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IRM Staff Directory

Name Title Unit Phone Email Duties
Rebecca Addison Acquisitions Ordering Assistant Acquisitions 7-0838 ordering & invoicing of monographic materials including dvds and music scores
Meghan Banach Bergin Bibliographic Access and Metadata Coordinator Bibliographic Access and Metadata 5-6846 Supervise the Bibliographic Access and Metadata Unit, Electronic resources cataloging, Open Content Alliance/Internet Archive cataloging, Electronic Theses and Dissertations, LOCKSS, Digital Preservation, Metadata, IRM Wiki Co-Administrator
Lucy deGozzaldi Cataloging Assistant Bibliographic Access and Metadata 7-0578 serials cataloging and management, problem solving, statistics, clean-up projects using Aleph Services and ARC, weekly OCLC updates.
Heather Deirdre Electronic Resources Specialist Acquisitions 5-6733 Electronic resource access issues, SFX issues, dbhelp services, acquiring eresources, assist in renewal process, process invoices.
Kay Dion Cataloging Assistant Bibliographic Access and Metadata 5-2091 University dissertations and theses management, SCUA and unique projects cataloging, monographic and Russian cataloging, A/Vs, IRM wiki creating and editing
Gary Hough Head, IRM Dept. All units 5-6856 Administration
Catherine Knapp Electronic Resources Specialist Electronic Resources Management 7-0579 SFX updates, statistics, activation/deactivation, troubleshooting. Assist with ejournal, ebook, and database maintenance.
Lorraine James Book Repair Coordinator Materials Management Team 7-2387 ljames@library.umass.eduIn-house book repair, bindery coordinator for monographs, DVD cataloging
Marcelle Lipke Senior Cataloging Assistant Bibliographic Access and Metadata 5-2164 mplipke@library.umass.eduScreening for Linking Project, cataloging, music processing, discards, reinstatements, withdrawals, Depository transfers
Diana Pacunas Serial Receiver Materials Management Team 5-6849
Judy Rohan Serials Coordinator Acquisitions 7-1951 ordering/invoicing/troubleshooting of print serials/periodicals, Government Document workflow
Susan Pease Bibliographic Access and Metadata Unit 5-6853 sep@library.umass.edureceiving print and non-print monographs, copy cataloging printed items, and processing shelf-ready items
Lisa Persons Manager, Materials Management Team Materials Management Team 5-6889 Linking Project supervisor, student supervisor, End Processing Unit supervisor, OCA coordinator
Peter Shea Cataloger Bibliographic Access and Metadata 7-2147 shea@library.umass.educataloging of all notated and recorded music materials, monographs in all Roman-alphabet foreign languages, videorecordings (mainly performance-related or in Germanic languages), rush monographs, other stuff nobody else wants to catalog
Cynthia Spell Science Cataloger Bibliographic Access and Metadata 7-2631 Cataloging science, mathematics, and engineering materials in all formats, mostly English language. Liaison to the Science and Engineering Library (SEL) for all cataloging matters and projects. Transfer SEL material to and from the FCLD.
Scott Stangroom Coordinator of Acquisitions Acquisitions 5-6724 stangroom@library.umass.eduacquisitions, licensing, budget administration and reporting
Barbara Stewart Cataloger Bibliographic Access and Metadata 7-2634 Cataloger, DVD cataloging, Spanish and Portuguese languages materials, University Photos Project participant
Sarah Thomson Cataloger Bibliographic Access and Metadata 7-2632
Christine Turner E-Resources Librarian Acquisitions 7-1026 cturner@library.umass.eduacquisitions, collection assessment, licensing, usage data, WorldCat Local
Nancy Washburn Bindery Coordinator Materials Management 5-6728 Serials bindery, E-resources database maintenance, OCLC local holdings, Serial cancellations data, WorldCat Local
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