Microfilm Cataloging Instructions

1. Locate correct OCLC record. Make any cataloging changes needed, and download into ALEPH.

2. In ALEPH, add the call number: 099 [blank][blank] _ as instructed in:

Microforms Overview

Choose call number scheme depending upon whether the item is a monograph, serial, or government document.

Currently, call numbers can be found in the “Red Book” marked “Microforms, CD-Roms, DVD-ROMS Numbers” kept at Lucy deGozzaldi's desk. (this will likely change). Use the numbers in section: Microfilm Main. Assign monographs and serials numbers from this list.

For an example see: ALEPH bib: 2365893 (Title: Oxford gazette Call no: A 100)

3. Add 910 data to the bibliographic record, as needed. Add count of the number of film reels to statistics sheet or give counts to Lucy deGozzaldi.

4. Create an item record for the piece using the following codes:

Sublibrary: UMDUB

Collection: UMFM

Material type: MICR (if a monograph) or ISSBD (if a serial)



5. Create a HOL record. Format as follows:

852 8 [blank]

[subfield]b UMDUB

[subfield]c UMFM

[subfield]h[number assigned to piece in 099 in bib record]


856 48 [subfield]u http://library.umass.edu/microform-retrieval-request/

      [subfield]z Request Microform

6. Barcode (consult with End Processing for correct location of barcode) and give to End Processing for ownership stamp.

7. Consult the following document for instructions on cataloging an accompanying guide:

Microforms Overview

created 5/4/2016 C. Spell;amended 5/11/16 C. Spell

microfilm_cataloging_instructions.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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