RUSH cataloging and processing workflow

EXCEPTION: Items that are going on reserve are shelved in call number order and may be on the reserve shelf for up to a year. We will catalog reserve material as soon as it is received.

The procedures are as follows:

  • Receive and Barcode the item. Barcodes are placed in the upper left corner on books and DVDs. Barcodes are placed in the lower left corner on CDs.
  • End processing (e.g. call number label, security targets, stamps, stickers, etc.) will happen after the item is cataloged.
  • Change the item process status from in process to available.
  • Add a note in the Circ Note field in the item record: “Please bring to RUSH return shelf in the IRM Department.”
  • Send RUSH books to the correct contact in Circulation or ILL.

See flowcharts here:

rush_cataloging_and_processing_workflow.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/22 20:25 by mbanach Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0