====== MarcEditor Task List for Dissertations and Theses ======
The following is a breakdown of the Task List which is run to convert UMass eTDs harvested via MarcEdit's OAI Harvesting from our Scholarworks' Digital Commons repository. If any changes are made in the Task List, please note the changes here also.
Find: (=LDR.{20}).{1}(.+)
Replace: $1i$2
Adds code 'i' to the Fixed Field Desc
Find: (=LDR.{19}).{1}(.+)
Replace: $1I$2
Adds code 'I' to the Fixed Field Elvl
Field: 245
Find: :
Replace: :$b
Find: (=100.*[^.])
Replace: $1.
Adds a period at the end of any author field which lacks one
Find: $eauthor
Replace: ,$eauthor
Adds a comma between end of author name and $e field
Field: 008
Field Data: 151111s2016\\\\mau\\\\\o\\d [insert 8 slashes, no spaces here] eng\d
Adds Fixed Field information. ***NOTE THAT THE YEAR MUST BE CHANGED MANUALLY!***
Field: 008
Find: 24:1
Add: b
Adds code 'b' (Includes bibliography) to Fixed Field Cont
Field: 008
Find: 25:1
Add: m
Adds code 'm' (Manuscript) to Fixed Field Cont
Field: 008
Find: 26:1
Add: d
Adds code 'd' to Fixed Field Source
Field: 008
Find: 31
Add: 0
Adds code '0' to Fixed Field Index
Field: 008
Find: 29
Add: 0
Adds code '0' to Fixed Field Conf
Field: 008
Find: 30
Add: 0
Adds code '0' to Fixed Field Fest
Field: 008
Find: 33
Add: 0
Adds code '0' to Fixed Field LitF
Field: 100 $a
Find: .,,
Replace: ,
Find: $xMasters.
Replace: $xDoctoral.
Changes 690 field 'Masters' to 'Doctoral' for dissertations
(*The following are found in the 520 Abstract field and are HTML tags which need to be removed)
Find: <p>
Find: </p>
Find: <em>
Find: </em>
Find: <strong>
Find: </strong>
(*End HTML tags removal)
(*The following removes any form of Ph.D. following personal name in 700 advisor fields)
Find: (=700.{4}\$a)(.*)(,)(\s)(PhD)
Replace: $1$2
Find: (=700.{4}\$a)(.*)(,)(\s)([Ph.D]*)
Replace: $1$2
Find: (=700.{4}\$a)(.*)(,)(\s)(Ph D)
Replace: $1$2
Find: (=700.{4}\$a)(.*)(,)(\s)([Ph. D]*)
Replace: $1$2
(*End Ph.D. removal)
Find: Education (also CAGS)
Replace: Education
Find: &
Replace: and
Find: doubledash
Replace: -
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*)(\s)(M[s|r])(,)
Replace: $1$2
Removes from any author name the title of Ms or Mr
(*The following adds subfield $c to any 100 field personal name which includes a title)
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*)(\s)([A-z]*)(,)(\s)(Jr)(,)
Replace: $1$2$3$4.,$$c$7$8
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*)(\s)([A-z]*)(,)(\s)(Sr)(,)
Replace: $1$2$3$4.,$$c$7$8
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*)(\s)([A-z]*)(,)(\s)(II)(,)
Replace: $1$2$3$4.,$$c$7$8
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*)(\s)([A-z]*)(,)(\s)(III)(,)
Replace: $1$2$3$4.,$$c$7$8
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*)(\s)([A-z]*)(,)(\s)(IV)(,)
Replace: $1$2$3$4.,$$c$7$8
(*End of adding $c to personal names)
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*,\s.*\s[A-Z])([,])(\$eauthor)
Replace: $1$2.$3$4
Changes Brown, Molly P,$eauthor to Brown, Molly P.,$eauthor
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*,\s.*\s[A-Z])(\$eauthor)
Replace: $1$2.,$3
Changes Brown, Molly P$eauthor to Brown, Molly P.,$eauthor
Find: (=100.{4}\$a)(.*,\s.*\s[A-Z])(\s)(\$eauthor)
Replace: $1$2$3.,
Changes Brown, Molly P $eauthor to Brown, Molly P.,$eauthor
Field: 700
Find: contributor
Replace: advisor
(*The following removes variants of Professor from beginning of Advisor names)
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)(Prof)(\s)(.*)
Replace: $1$4
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)(Prof.)(\s)(.*)
Replace: $1$4
Field: 700
Find: Professor
(*End removel of variants)
(*The following removes variants of Dr from Advisor names)
Field: 700
Find: Dr.
Field: 700
Find: Dr
(*End removal of Dr)
(*The following adds subfield $c to any advisor personal name with a title)
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a.*)(\s)(Jr)(.*)
Replace: $1$2,$$c$4$5
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a.*)(\s)(II)(.*)
Replace: $1$2,$$c$4$5
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a.*)(\s)(III)(.*)
Replace: $1$2,$$c$4$5
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a.*)(\s)(IV)(.*)
Replace: $1$2,$$c$4$5
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a.*)([^Sr])(Sr)(\$eadvisor)
Replace: $1$2$$c$4,$5
(*End addition of $c)
(*The following inverts advisor names to Last name, First name of any field containing $c)
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)(.*)( )(.*)(\$cJr)(.*)(\$eadvisor)
Replace: $1$2$5 $3,$6$7,$8
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)(.*)( )(.*)(\$cII)(.*)(\$eadvisor)
Replace: $1$2$5 $3,$6$7,$8
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)(.*)( )(.*)(\$cIII)(.*)(\$eadvisor)
Replace: $1$2$5 $3,$6$7,$8
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)(.*)( )(.*)(\$cIV)(.*)(\$eadvisor)
Replace: $1$2$5 $3,$6$7,$8
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)(.*)( )(.*)(\$cSr)(.*)(\$eadvisor)
Replace: $1$2$5 $3,$6$7,$8
(*End inversion of names)
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)([^ ]*)([^$]*)(\$[^c].*)
Replace: $1$2$4, $3$5
Invert 700 field personal names with no middle name/inital and which do not have $c
Find: (=700.{4})(\$a)([^ ]*)(.*\.)([^$]*)(\$[^c].*)
Replace: $1$2$5 $3$4$6
Invert 700 field personal names with middle name/initial and which do not have $c
Find: $eadvisor
Replace: ,$eadvisor
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)(\s)([A-z]*)
Replace: $1$3
Change $a Towler, Brett to $aTowler, Brett
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)(,)(\s)([A-z]*)
Replace: $1$4
Change $a, Connor, William Curtis$cJr. to $aConnor, William Curtis$cJr.
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)(.*)(\s)(\s)([A-z]*)
Replace: $1$2$3$5
Change $aFarley, Samuel P. to $aFarley, Samuel P. (two spaces between first name and middle initial)
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)([\w+]*)(\s)([\w+]*, )(\w+)
Replace: $1$4$5$3$2
Change Eric Levine, Don to Levine, Don Eric
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)(\s)([\w+]*)(\s)([\w+]*, )([A-z].)
Replace: $1$5$6$4$3
Change Anthony Butterfield, D. to Butterfield, D. Anthony
Field: 700
Find: ,$eadvisor
Replace: ,$eadvisor
Changes Emrick, Todd ,$eadvisor to Emrick, Todd,$eadvisor
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)([\w+]*)(,)(\s)([A-z]*)(\s)(\s)(.)(,)
Replace: $1$2, $5.,
Change Thayumanavan, S . to Thayumanavan, S.
Field: 700
Find: (\$a)([\w+]*,\s)([A-Z])(\s)(\s)(\.)(.*)
Replace: $1$2$3$6$7
Change Mountziaris, T .J. to Mountziaris, T.J.
— Contact Person: Kay Dion 2016/06/19