Electronic Resources Cancellation Checklist
Vendor. Save copy to eleres/cancellations folder
Eleres blog (C.Turner)
Usage statistics for packages or databases (N. Washburn)
E-Reserves (if applicable)
Selector, Liz and Ref-Liaisons list when resource is no longer available with note to remove from LibGuides, etc.
Make calendar entry for when access will cease. Reference checklist in notes.
Update DBList/Master Renewal List, noting cancellation date
Put copy of vendor cancellation notice in paper file for databases or packages
Change status of order record. Add note about date of cancellation.
Cancel encumbrance if funds have NOT already been encumbered
Note selector credit (W:\Departmental_Folders\Acquisitions\FY(xx)_selector_credits.xls)
If individual title (e-journal, database), suppress Bib record for e-journal and Bib and holdings record for database
If package (e-book, e-journals, streaming), suppress master record and send collection name/code to Ron (?) for suppression of individual title records
Print bib records of individual databases and give to Marcelle
De-activate individual title or entire target, as appropriate, for e-journals and some e-books
If de-activating target, also de-activate Service and objects within it
WorldCat Local knowledge base
Research Databases list