Access Systems Coordination

Resources are represented in the Library web site, EDS as Discovery, SFX, and Aleph records. Below is some information about how access is coordinated as of July 2017.

A brief synopsis is that we do not load bib records into Aleph unless there is an order record that needs to be attached. This means that individual subscriptions and eJournal package cover records are uploaded. eJournal package cover records are suppressed so that they are not discoverable.

  • SFX: Officially, only eJournals and databases with full text content are activated in SFX. Some eBooks (like the autoload targets) are activated but we do not use the SFX eBook search interface. Some databases (like the aggregators) have their own targets for the content contained within them, while some are individual OPs in the Misc. eJournal target for the search page only. Some resources are not available in SFX and have to be found elsewhere, as we try not to create LCL items.
  • EDS: Officially, everything we pay for is enabled in EDS. This is an overgeneralization. Metadata from EBSCO partner databases is enabled and custom links are created for full text linking at the publisher platform. Content published by EBSCO is automatically enabled and uses SmartLinks to connect to full text. Content purchased from EBSCO is selected in HLM through Order Integration and uses SmartLinks Plus to connect to full text at the publisher platform. HLM also pushes the things we select outside order integration to facilitate SmartLinks where our holdings match metadata. Some resources are not available in EDS and have to be found elsewhere. (ex. ProQuest.)
  • HLM: Officially, all journal content we pay for is selected in HLM. Anything paid to EBSCO is enabled and managed by them through Order Integration. Everything else has to be manually selected and tracked. Some resources are not found in HLM, but title lists can be sent to support to create a new package or SFX data can be uploaded to do this locally.
  • Aleph: Bibs are the top level record in Aleph and anything we pay on requires a Bib. This includes cover records and title level records. All records are suppressed at time of purchase until we get access. Anything we want to be discoverable in the OPAC or EDS is unsupressed (Database Cover Records, Individual eBooks, Physical Materials) while the rest stay suppressed (eJournal/Book Packages, Individual eJournals, memberships, softwares, tools, etc.). eJournal records from package subscriptions are not loaded into Aleph as a matter of course. When resources are not available in SFX or EDS/HLM we batch load records for them into Aleph by making a request to the BLT who look for a collection in OCLC. They will automatically load records into Aleph when they are provided by the vendor and if they are good enough quality. (eBook packages)
  • DB List: The A-Z database list is managed by RS now. Jennifer Friedman is in charge of additions and edits at the moment. All paid content that arrives in a database model is included, with reference to the Springshare ID made in CORAL's cataloging tab. The A-Z list is the place of last resort when something cannot be found in SFX, EDS, or Aleph.

Everything we pay for should be tracked in CORAL. Currently, we do not have records for individual subscriptions begun before July 2018 when CORAL was reactivated.

  • Outliers
    • PA Content: The official policy can be found at Perpetual Access Procedures. Summary is that we only track PA for Springer, Wiley, and Elsevier as well as Taylor & Francis and De Gruyter. PA records are no longer added to ALEPH. Springer and Wiley are both paid to EBSCO and the autoload for Elsevier should be FTP'd monthly into HLM.
    • OA Content: Currently there is no official policy on managing OA content. If it is true OA (we pay nothing) it is not activated in any system controlled by IRM. RS may add true OA content to the DB List. If we do pay something for it, we activated it based on the criteria above.

IRM Access Workflow for Paid Content


Scott, Nancy, and Judy work on electronic resources. Judy manages eJournal content, Nancy manages databases, and they both work on memberships and eBooks. Scott works on a little bit of everything and is in charge of licenses and EZProxy things. They all also work on DBHelp emails.

  • Purchases, Renewals, Ceases, Cancellations, etc. are all tracked in both ALEPH and CORAL.
    • Documents (invoices, order records, licenses, and title lists) are stored in the Collections Management Drive in the ELERESbyO folder.
  • Order records are created in ALEPH and attached to a Bib Record.
    • A record is then created in CORAL bringing together order, bib, and holdings info as well as vendor/publisher, authentication, and licensing information.
    • Access is usually only activated for new resources after payment is processed and then some.
  • Workflows in CORAL for new and recurring orders are started by Scott
    • They start automatically when a record is created, or Scott starts them before the subscription period ends.
    • Most of the first half of each workflow is Acquisitions focused.
  • If there is a new License someone will tell Jack so he can put it into the Licensing module.
  • If there are new organizations associated with the resource, Kat handles creating admin accounts and sending them our branding/info for UMLinks.

Scott takes care of creating most of the holdings records in Aleph, as well as making sure that the stanza in EXProxy is added/updated. Eventually Jack will be helping with some of the EZProxy maintenance. Once all of this is done the workflows move over to DRMS.


Jack manages SFX access. Use the following pages for more specific instructions.

SFX Renewals

SFX Targets - Activating


  • Activate all three levels, be sure to make note of whether there is ILL/check CORAL symbol in the local target name. Change L/Ps as required.
    • Add dot (•) to SFX Public Name if necessary.
    • Add copyright (©) for anything that isn't straightforward lending.
  • Check Access, if everything is fine move on.


  • PRODUCT tab: Make sure Orgs are all set.
  • ACQUISITIONS tab: Check for anything weird.
  • ACCESS tab: Make sure that the Access Information is entered/updated.
    • Add/Update the Data Integration Note
    • Add the SFX Target with any notes, as well as whatever the local name is if there is one.
  • CATALOGING tab: Add Springshare ID if there already is one.

When done, mark the workflow step complete.


Jack manages EDS and HLM access. Use the following pages for more specific instructions.

EDS Admin Management


  • Go through the three steps to enable access. Enable metadata, create/edit CustomLink, and add to the ranking.
    • EBSCO resources don't need steps two and three.
    • Check the EDS Wiki if you cannot find the database to see if they're actually a partner with EBSCO.


  • Update EDS Holdings Management if necessary
    • EBSCO manages content we pay them for (as subscription agent) so we have to manage the rest.
      • Everything is ejournals, because HLM populates the eJournal Placard.


  • ACCESS tab: Make sure that the Access Information is entered/updated.
    • Add/Update the Data Integration Note
    • Add/Update the EDS DM Name note
    • Add/Update the EDS CL Name note
    • Add/Update the EDS LCL Collection note
    • * Add/Update the HLM note.

If the resource is not available in either SFX or EDS/HLM send it to the Batch Loading Team. (BLT)

Aleph Batch Record Loads

The BLT manages batch loading serials records into Aleph when they are not available in our other access systems. The following pages are useful for more specific information.

Batch Loading Team

  • Records are batch loaded when:
    • A target for the content is not available for SFX, or is not one that we would turn on (eBooks.)
    • The metadata is not available in EDS (ie. not an EBSCO partner) or a collection is not available in HLM.
    • The records are available either from the vendor or through OCLC.
  • If something should be batch loaded, send something to the BLT channel on Slack and put in an Aleph ticket through LibWire.

Database A-Z List

updated as of 30 August 2024

Academic Engagement manages the A-Z list in Springshare. Once Camille or Margaret reach this part of a CORAL workflow, the following happens:

To add new resources:

  • DRMS fills out a row in the A-Z To add tab of the spreadsheet
  • Academic Engagement reviews resources, decides whether to include them, and documents this decision in the row
  • DRMS documents the decision in the appropriate Agreement in FOLIO

To update or remove existing resources:

  • DRMS fills out a row in the A-Z Updates to existing tabA-Z Updates to existing tab of the spreadsheet
  • Academic Engagement reviews, makes changes as appropriate, and documents any additional information
  • DRMS confirms FOLIO is updated to match.

Ejournal Transfers

In Acquisitions, Judy adds title transfers to E-Journal, Package Changes:Acquisitions to Access. Acquisitions is notified of these transfers through EBSCO Change reports, publisher emails, and title lists. The spreadsheet tracks:

  • Package to package transfers
  • Package to individual subscription
  • Individual sub to Package
  • Title Cessations
  • New Title to Package
  • Package to open access

For titles leaving our subscription packages, Judy gathers usage stats, price information, and may send emails to a selector asking if the subscription should be continued. If so, an order is initiated. Judy also handles cancellations for titles entering subscription packages.

In DRMS, Jack makes changes to access in SFX, sets up perpetual access, and makes changes for EDS HLM changes if the resource is paid to a non-EBSCO vendor. No steps should be taken until Judy marks the acquisitions column as “Done.” PA is only tracked for Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, and occasionally Taylor & Francis and De Gruyter.

Platform Changes

Whenever someone sees a platform change (either from HTTP-HTTPS or between companies like Atypon or Ingenta) they should email Jack.

  • Jack will take care of things in the discovery systems and alert the UMBLT or Research Services.

Primary contact: Jack Mulvaney

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