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Shelf-Ready Processing of Approval and Selection Slip Books

Processing Procedures

♦Go to the Search function in the Acquisitions Mode of Aleph and scan in the book's barcode.

♦Check to make sure that the book and Aleph record match in terms of call number, title, author, publishing information, and number of pages.

♦Click on “Orders” button on the right hand side and go to the “2.General” tab, if not brought there automatically, and look at Order Status box.

♦If everything matches correctly then the book is ready for the stacks or the New Book Shelf so leave the Order status as “SV”.

♦If the book needs a call number label or other work from the Cataloging Dept., change the Order Status to “WP”.

♦Press “Update” button to save order record changes.

♦Arrive the book by clicking on “Arrival 0/1” to the left of the screen. Then click on “items” button on the right.

shelf-ready_processing_of_approvals_and_selection_slips.1235061652.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0