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SFX Routine Maintenance

Contribute Local Changes to Global SFX KB

Currently (2013) this is only available for Miscellaneous targets. Make local changes in Object Portfolio Edit screen and submit. “Contribute” button should then show in the OP View screen.

Date Thresholds

SFX provides a tool for composing local thresholds in the object portfolio edit screen. 2013 NOTE: Use IE to test changes. Firefox usually has long delays before changes show on SFX menus.

Embargoes: Use the composer tool to set up an embargo. For a 1 year embargo use the text below. NOTE: do not use “==” which does not show an embargo on the menu. This displays as “Available from 2007. Most recent 1 year(s) not available”

  • In the edit screen, click “Add Local” beside Threshold (Global), click “Compose”, fill in First Publication (year at least), click down arrow beside “Embargo/Moving wall”. For a 1 year embargo choose “greater than or equal to”, choose time (“1 year” ago).
  • Resulting date threshold should look something like this: $obj→parsedDate('>=','2007',undef,undef) && $obj→timediff('>=','1y')
  • Test on menu. Use IE to test as Firefox may present long delays.

Split date thresholds: Write these manually using a “||” to separate the runs. For example, holdings from 1999-2002 and 2008 would use the text below. This displays as “Available from 1999 until 2002, Available in 2008”.

  • $obj→parsedDate('>=','1999',undef,undef) && $obj→parsedDate('⇐','2002',undef,undef) || $obj→parsedDate('==','2008',undef,undef)

Target Service Edit

AutoUpdate: If AutoUpdate is checked, local target service parser and parse param, as well as local object portfolio parser and parse params, will be removed. AutoUpdate should usually be checked but not in cases where we want our local information to remain intact (e.g. ILLIAD). We may want to retain a broken symbolic link because we have made changes to the parser (e.g. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses) either long term or temporarily.

Primary contact: Catherine Knapp

sfx_routine_maintenance.1368451926.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0