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SFX Routine Maintenance



Wiley opt-ins are temporarily free for Core subscribers but we need to register to obtain access. Opt-ins usually become paid titles in subsequent years and we can choose not to subscribe when they cease to be free. See and update R/S:Acquisitions/Electronic resources/Wiley/Wiley_[year]/WileyOptInsandCoreCancellations[year].

  • Check previous opt-ins against current Wiley title list to see if they have become paid titles.
    • Continuing as opt-ins. If access is still available, leave as is.
    • No longer opt-ins.
      • Subscriptions. Order records should be updated. SFX access should be changed to WILEY_ONLINE_JOURNALS target.
      • Not subscribing. Close order records with note. Deactivate in SFX.
  • Find the list of current year opt-ins on the Wiley site (may be in master journal title list).
    • Send opt-ins to selectors. Contact Wiley to activate any titles chosen by selectors.
    • Create Dummy order records including a “DO NOT PAY” note for activated opt-ins.

Primary contact: Catherine Knapp

sfx_routine_maintenance.1330538389.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0