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SFX Cron Jobs

Job Time (see note below) Notes
Clear SFX requests 01:01 a.m. every night
Google Scholar file 01:30 a.m. on Sunday morning Beginnning June 2009 this file also used by OCLC for eSerials service.
RSI Index 02:02 a.m. every night For ejournal list beginning July 2009
Table Maintenance & Repair 02:30 a.m. every night Setup by ExLibris
A-Z version 2 03:00 a.m. every night For multi-object menu. Can be removed when RSI live (August 2009?
A-Z Version 3 05:00 a.m. every morning For EJournal list index till RSI live.

Note: times are Central time. SFX server is in Chicago.

To setup cron jobs
  • See the SFX Manuals.
    • Edit the crontab by typing crontab -e at the main prompt.
    • Statistics move crons can be setup via the Statistics section of server_admin_util
    • Google Scholar job was setup by registration procedure in the KB, but edited in crontab to add ebook export.
    • RSI and other index jobs also setup via server_admin_util. Can be edited in crontab.
    • As of June 2009 we don't cron stats moves because it moves most recent first. We move statistics manually.
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