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EZProxy Maintenance


Maintaining the Configuration File (config.txt)

  • Suggested definitions for many resources may be found at Database Setup
  • Note that in our configuration file Chadwyck-Healey has a special setup because of RefWorks linking issues. See main Chadwyck-Healey entry for instructions. Subsequent entries must be below initial entry.
  • Where something is in the file matters. It is read top down.
  • When creating a resource configuration stanza, determine whether javascript is used.
  • Sample configuration entry without javascript:
  • * T Journal Title
  • * H other hosts at resource? e.g.
  • * D top level domain e.g. or
  • Our configuration file is edited using the text editor vi.
  • EZProxy processes must be restarted for configuration changes to be operational. At present we must restart from the web admin page.

Weekly Maintenance

  • Removing unused host log entries
    1. Go to [Admin Login required]
    2. In the section entitled Host Maintenance select the radio button for “Remove XXX hosts that have not been used in over 30 days
    3. Select the Process button
    4. Select the Administration link at the top of the page to go to the Admin page.
    5. Select Restart Proxy from the Admin page menu.
  • If time permits, review message log (available via Admin page also) for problems. Restarting no longer yields syntax error messages for configuration file as it did in the past, you must look in the message.txt log file.


  • Notices of available upgrades to the EZProxy software are announced on the Listserv. Do not be hasty in requesting load of upgrades unless a bug fix is urgently needed. Each upgrade contains all previous upgrades. There is no risk in skipping one.

License Violation Incidents through proxy

Includes Files

Publishers provide config files for EZProxy which may be found at OCLC or on publisher sites.

Create a .cfg file and FTP it to the EZProxy server. If you have trouble adding a .cfg extension, go to Windows explorer>Tools>Folder options>Deselect “Hide extensions for known file types.”

Add the following to the proxy config.txt file:

T [Publisher]

URL [Publisher base URL]

Domain [Domain name]


IncludeFile [file.cfg]

OCLC instructions are here.

ezproxy_maintenance.1458651228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0