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EDS Admin Management

The order of CustomLinks is loosely based on SFX sort_services.config ranking. Here is the basic order, with space for tweaking.

  • 10 = Paid publisher subscriptions
  • 20 = Publisher hosts (there weren’t any)
  • 30 = Newspapers
  • 40 = Databases
  • 45 = Media, image, and streaming
  • 50 = Less reliable aggregators and digitized historical publications
  • 60 = eBooks
  • 70 = Open access
  • 80 = Reviews

Holdings Management and Ejournal Placards

Any content which is billed to EBSCO is maintained in Holdings Management by EBSCO. The last (second) full load from SFX to EBSCO is to be done in Summer 2017. From that point on, management of non-EBSCO billed ejournals needs to be done manually.


  • CORAL notification arrives. Staff checks CORAL Access tab for “EDS HLM” note. If there is no note and EBSCO is the Vendor, then nothing needs to be done in EDS.
  • If note is present, decision needs to be made whether to activate/deactivate in HLM. Do we want to display journal placard? Best practice is to align with whether we display in SFX. Ejournals and databases with ejournal content only.

SFX file to EDS for Library Collection Limiter

There is a cron job set up to transfer SFX holdings to EDS for the Library Collection Limiter. The cron runs at 4:01 am every Tuesday to be processed by EBSCO on Wednesdays at 11:00 am. The cron sends an Advanced Export serials file by ftp to EBSCO. See Steve Bischof for more information.

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