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EDS Admin Management

The order of CustomLinks is loosely based on SFX sort_services.config ranking. Here is the basic order, with space for tweaking.

  • 10 = Paid publisher subscriptions
  • 20 = Publisher hosts (there weren’t any)
  • 30 = Newspapers
  • 40 = Databases
  • 45 = Media, image, and streaming
  • 50 = Less reliable aggregators and digitized historical publications
  • 60 = eBooks
  • 70 = Open access
  • 80 = Reviews

SFX file to EDS for Library Collection Limiter

There is a cron job set up to transfer SFX holdings to EDS for the Library Collection Limiter. The cron runs at 4:01 am every Tuesday to be processed by EBSCO on Wednesdays at 11:00 am. The cron sends an Advanced Export serials file by ftp to EBSCO. See Steve Bischof for more information.

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