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E-Resources Cataloging - FASTCAT Standards

  1. Look up record in Aleph and Connexion. (For free internet resources just look up record in Connexion by title. There won't be a record in Aleph.)
  2. Copy and paste URL from holdings record into web browser to view resource
  3. Evaluate MARC record for FASTCAT

For e-books make sure the fixed field form is for BOOKS

In the fixed fields check to make sure:

BLvl Bibliographic Level is coded m for monograph

Form ‘o’ (online) or an ‘s’ (electronic)

For e-journals, databases, and websites make sure the fixed field form is for CONTINUING RESOURCES

In the fixed fields check to make sure:

Form ‘o’ (online) or an ‘s’ (electronic)

BLvl Bibliographic Level is coded:

i for updating websites and updating databases

s for e-journals

For all types of e-resource records check that:

There is an 006

There is an 007

Accurate title and statement of responsibility:

245 A Title

245 B Subtitle

245 H $h [electronic resource] (This will be between subfield A and B, or after subfield P or N)

245 C Statement of Responsibility (Author) – If there is a statement of responsibility for the resource make sure it is accurate in the record.

Accurate information for:

250 Edition statement: - If present in the record check the 250 field to help identify matching editions.

260 A Place of publication

260 B Publisher (may contain abbreviations)

260 C Date of Publication

300 Physical Description: If the resource has pagination make sure it is accurate in the record

362 (For continuing resources only): check 362 field for accurate Dates of Publication

538 “Mode of access: World Wide Web.”

6XX Subject At least one subject must be present unless it is a book of literature. Do not evaluate, edit or check any subject entry.

1XX or 7XX Author/editor

If a person is named in 245$C, either a 1XX or 7XX entry must be present in the record. Do not evaluate, do not create addition entries, do not evaluate for main entry.

Overlay/export record to Aleph

If edits are made to record in Connexion, replace record in Connexion and overlay Aleph record. (Make sure to delete the 856 from the bib in Aleph after overlaying though!)

Search OCLC and overlay a better record if record is not up to FASTCAT standards.

For free internet resources, just export the record to Aleph. There won't be an existing bib to overlay. (Don't forget to move the URL from the bib to the holdings record in Aleph after you export the record!)

Add 9XX fields

Add 910 with initials and date


Add 930 OCLC

Item records:

For free internet resources you will need to add an item record. For licensed e-resources you will just need to double check the coding.

Make sure the item record is coded properly:

For item record:

Sublibrary = UMDUB

Collection = UWWW

Material type = choose ejournal, ebook, website or whatever is most appropriate

Item status = 04 Internet

For free e-resources code statistic field 09 for e-free in tab 3

Holdings records:

For free internet resources you will need to add a holdings record. For licensed e-resources you will just need to double check to make sure the holdings record looks okay.

Make sure the 856 field is in the holdings record and not in the bib. Indicators should be 40 or 41.

Licensed resources should have a silk prefix so off campus users can connect to the proxy server. The silk prefix is:

The URL to the resource should follow the silk prefix so together it would look like this:

Free e-resources do not need silk prefixes in the URLs.

If there is a call number in the holdings record delete it

Subfield z should say:

UMass: Connect to this title (for licensed e-resources)

Connect to this title (for free e-resources)

For e-journals – make sure there is an accurate 866 field for holdings

Fill out Statistics sheet

Use the Statistics sheet for Media and E-Resources.

e-resources_cataloging_-_fastcat_standards.1344366456.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0