(Old Instructions - no Longer Valid) Safari MARC Record Loading.

Instructions are now on the shared network drive.

  1. Click on the “University of Massachusetts Amherst” Account name.
  2. Click on MARC Records
  3. Click on “Generate a new MARC update file (both additions & deletions included)”
    1. This will create a file called “Update-YYYY-MM-DD.mrc”. It should download automatically, but sometimes I have to reload the page and select the file from the list.
  4. Open the downloaded file with MARCedit MARC Tools.
    1. Select the downloaded file as the “Input File:”
    2. Select name for the output file. You can simply change the .mrc file extension to .mrk
  5. Click on “Edit Records”.
  6. As noted above, this file will contain both additions and deletions. I separate the deletions to make deleting the records easier.
    1. In MARCeditor, choose File → Select Individual records to make
    2. Change the “Display Field:” from 245$a to “LDR”
    3. Import File
    4. Check all the records that have a “d” in the 05 bit of the leader.
    5. Check “Retain Checked Items”.
    6. Click “Export Selected”.
    7. Save delete records (e.g., umsafari20140602del.mrk)
    8. Run the Safari Assigned Task, Tools → Assigned Tasks → Currently Available Tasks → Safari
    9. Save.
    10. Compile records into MARC (e.g., umsafari20140602del.mrc)
  7. Open the original file with MARCeditor.
    1. In MARCeditor, choose File → Select Individual records to make
    2. Change the “Display Field:” from 245$a to “LDR”
    3. Import File
    4. Check all the records that have a “n” in the 05 bit of the leader.
    5. Check “Retain Checked Items”.
    6. Click “Export Selected”.
    7. Save new records (e.g., umsafari20140602new.mrk)
    8. Run the Safari Assigned Task, Tools → Assigned Tasks → Currently Available Tasks → Safari
    9. Save.
    10. Compile records into MARC (e.g., umsafari20140602del.mrc)
  8. FTP both files to the /exlibris/aleph/u21_1/fcl01/scratch directory on the Aleph server. Or use the file upload function from the Aleph Cataloging client to put the file in the fcl01/scratch directory.
  9. Load the new records first.
  10. In the Cataloging client, under the “Aleph” menu, click on “Connect to…” and select “UMA50 - UMass Administrative”.
  11. Under “Services” → “Custom Services” select “UM MARC prep (umprocload-01)”
  12. Enter the following:
    1. *Input File : [the name of the MARC file created for new records above] (e.g., umsafari20140602new.mrc)
    2. *Match Routine : “0359A - Match 0359 subfield a”
    3. Library: FCL01 (This is important, since you have switched to UMA50, the default library will be UMA50).
    4. Click “Submit”
  13. This will create 3 files:
    1. Unmatched records: [the name of the MARC file created above] with fix1 appended (e.g., umsafari20140602new.mrcfix1).
    2. Matched records: [the name of the MARC file created above] with fix2 appended (e.g., umsafari20140602new.mrcfix2).
    3. Records with multiple matches: [the name of the MARC file created above] with fix3 appended. This should not happen.
  14. Load the “fix1” file. Under “Services” → “Custom Services” select “UM MARC load (umload-01)”
  15. Enter the following:
    1. * Input File: [the name of the fix1 file]
    2. * New or Replacement Records: “New Records”
    3. Character Conversion: “OCLC to UTF (e.g., {acute})”
    4. * Item/Holdings creation table: E-Resource (tab_hol_item_create_umebk)
    5. Library: “FCL01” (Again, this is important)
  16. Update holdings on OCLC
    1. Under “Services” → “Retrieve Catalog Records” select “Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03)
    2. Enter the following:
      1. * Input File: [the name of the fix1 file] with bib appended (e.g., umsafari20140602.mrcfix1bib)
      2. * Output File: [name your output file] (e.g., umfod140521.mrcfix1bib035)
      3. * Field 1 + Indicator: 035
      4. * Format: ALEPH Sequential
      5. Library: FCL01
    3. Submit
    4. Download [Output File from above].
    5. Open [Downloaded Output File] with Excel.
      1. In the “Text Import Wizard” choose “Fixed width” and click “Next”
      2. Create a break line before the OCLC number (only the number not the ocn or ocm) and click “Next”
      3. Change all columns to text data format and click “Finish”
      4. Delete all of the columns except the OCLC number
      5. Save as a text file.
      6. Close file.
    6. Open Connexion.
    7. Under “Batch” select “Holdings by OCLC Number…”
    8. Click “Browse” and select the file created in e above.
    9. Click “Import” (if the file is still open in Excel, the file will not import)
    10. When asked, “Do you want to delete your original import file?” click “No”
    11. Select “Update Holdings” from the “Action” menu.
    12. Click “OK”
  17. If there are any records in the “fix2” file, load those records. Under “Services” → “Custom Services” select “UM MARC load (umload-01)”.
  18. Enter the following:
    1. * Input File: [the name of the fix2 file]
    2. * New or Replacement Records: “Replacement Records (requires SYSNO key)”
    3. Character Conversion: “OCLC UTF to UTF (a in position 9 of the LDR)
    4. * Item/Holdings creation table: E-Resource (tab_hol_item_create_umebk)
    5. Library: “FCL01” (Again, this is important)
  19. Repeat steps 12-14 with the deletes file (e.g., umsafari140602del.mrc)
  20. Load the “fix2” file. Under “Services” → “Custom Services” select “UM MARC load (umload-01)”:
    1. * Input File: [the name of the fix2 file]
    2. * New 0or Replacement Records: “Replacement Records (requires SYSNO key)”
    3. Character Conversion: “OCLC to UTF (a in position 9 of the LDR)
    4. * Item/Holdings creation table: E-Resource (tab_hol_item_create_umebk)
    5. Library: “FCL01” (Again, this is important)
  21. Update holdings on OCLC
    1. Under “Services” → “Retrieve Catalog Records” select “Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03)
    2. Enter the following:
      1. * Input File: [the name of the fix2 file] with bib appended (e.g., umsafari140602del.mrcfix2bib)
      2. * Output File: [name your output file] (e.g., umsafari140602del.mrcfix2bib035)
      3. * Field 1 + Indicator: 035
      4. * Format: ALEPH Sequential
      5. Export deleted records?: Yes (since we have overlayed records with a “d’ in the 05 bit of the leader, Aleph will treat these records as deleted.
    3. Library: FCL01
    4. Submit
    5. Download [Output File from above].
    6. Open [Downloaded Output File] with Excel.
      1. In the “Text Import Wizard” choose “Fixed width” and click “Next”
      2. Create a break line before the OCLC number (only the number not the ocn or ocm) and click “Next”
      3. Change all columns to text data format and click “Finish”
      4. Delete all of the columns except the OCLC number
      5. Save as a text file.
      6. Close file.
    7. Open Connexion.
    8. Under “Batch” select “Holdings by OCLC Number…”
    9. Click “Browse” and select the file created in e above.
    10. Click “Import” (if the file is still open in Excel, the file will not import)
    11. When asked, “Do you want to delete your original import file?” click “No”
    12. Select “Delete Holdings” from the “Action” menu.
    13. Click “OK”
  22. Delete records from Aleph.
    1. Services → Catalog Maintenance Procedures → Delete Bibliographic Records Including Related ADM/HOL Records (manage-33)
      1. * Input File: [the name of the fix2 file] with bib appended (e.g., umsafari140602del.mrcfix2bib)
      2. * Output File: [name your output file] (e.g., umsafari140602del.mrcfix2bibdel)
      3. * Update Database: Yes
      4. Submit
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