MARC record loading in Aleph generally happens in one of three ways:
For UMass eresources, 2 custom services consisting of p_umprocload_01 (steps 4-6 below) and p_umload_01 (steps 7-9 below) were created to handle the loads and email the bib numbers to a designated email address. Instructions both general and detailed can be found on the shared network drive, Record Loading. Information about particular eresources are found in CORAL. Coral will have contact information, where to find MARC records, the Aleph system number for the bibliographic cover record(s), information on the batch loader and history of batch loads if applicable.
In general, manual MARC record loads in Aleph use the follow process:
The Processing MARC Records page has more information about getting records ready to load into Aleph.
There are two documents for this.
UMass Marc Record Load Spreadsheet: Details last file loaded, loader, and when. Current for 2 years. Past years are archived on the Record Load shared network drive.
5 Colleges In Common Electronic Resources: Details files, loaders, and other information. This spreadsheet is being updated and some information might not be current.