Table of Contents

Information Resources Management (IRM)

Information Resources Management (IRM), an integral part of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries, provides access to information resources, systems and services and collaborates across campus and with external library partners to enable academic study and scholarly research.

Content & Discovery Showcases
IRM Organizational Charts- current and historical

Staff Policies

Attendance policy (updated May 2024)


2021 IRM Major Unit Activities
2019 IRM Major Unit Activities
2017 IRM Major Unit Activities
Evolving Workflows 2016

IRM - General

Collection Analysis Task Force (CATF) Recommendations (2017)

Creating a Social Justice Mindset: Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice in the Collections Directorate of the MIT Libraries

Five College Annex Processing Procedures

Five College Microforms Repository Policy

Five College Shared Approval Plan Calendar

IRM Goals

Order Supplies IRM

IRM Policies

IRM Social Media

Electronic Resources General Notes for all (Includes Guidance on Holdings)

General Guidelines for eResources


Gift Policy

Invoice Processing Workflow

Order Groups

Selector Responsibilities by LC Class

Electronic Resources

ALEPH Services for ARL Collection Statistics

ARL E-Resources Collection Statistics

Copier Scanning, PDF Formatting for Optical Character Recognition


CORAL Glossaries

CORAL Login Page

Databases & Packages - New Purchases Checklist

Database A-Z List (Springshare/LibGuides Platform)

De-duping OCLC local bib records and MARCIt records

E-Books: New Title Workflows

EJournals - Adding New Titles (MARCIt)

EJournals - New Purchases Checklist

EJournals - Title Transfer Checklist

E-Journal Package and Monographic Series Maintenance

Electronic Access Issues for Cancelled or Ceased in Print

Electronic Resources Cancellation Checklist

Electronic Resources Invoicing in Aleph

Electronic Resource Order Form and Invoice Storage Procedures

E-resource record quality checklist

IP Addresses

License Violation Procedures


LOCKSS Linking Setup

Memberships - Creating Uniform Bib Records

Perpetual Access Procedures

Procedures for Reporting Access and Functionality Problems with Electronic Resources

Search Widgets for Electronic Resources

Trial Setup and Take down Procedures

Troubleshooting Electronic Resources Access Issues

Usage Statistics for E-resources - Rationale

Usage Statistics For E-resources - Reporting

Usernames and Passwords for Electronic Resources

Materials Management

Better World Books

Bindery ABLE lot closing and opening

DVD End Processing

End Processing/General Student Job Description

ETD Digitization Project Shipping Process

Linking Serials from Barcoded Sheets

Linking Project Prescreening in Aleph

Linking Project Student Job Description

Music End Processing

Stamping Volumes

Withdrawal of Library Materials


Blanket Orders, Memberships, and Blanket Payment Records

Books ordered for staff use

Cross-linking Bound-withs Title changes and Ser anals

Deleting Records in Aleph (simple instructions)

Endowment Fund Orders

FASTCAT Instructions

Foreign Vendor List for Monographic Ordering

Information Canada Checklist Orders

Item Record Creation for Gifts, Cat Seps, & Ser Anals

Item Record Global Changes

Monographic Continuations

New York Times Book Review Ordering Instructions

OCLC MARC Record File Notifications

Receiving Monographic Materials in Non-shelf-ready shipments

Routing Notes for New Books

Selecting Vendors for Monographs

Shelf-Ready Shipment Processing

Transfer of Orders and/or Items to a Different Bibliographic Record.


Cross-linking Bound-withs Title changes and Ser anals

De-duping OCLC local bib records and MARCIt records

Deleting Records in Aleph (simple instructions)

Electronic Access Issues for Cancelled or Ceased in Print

Item Record Global Changes

Memberships - Creating Uniform Bib Records

Serials Continuations Definitions

Serials: Ser Anals (Transfer and Cataloging)

For metadata workflows for serials, please see documentation under Metadata: Serials. For any questions regarding serials titles and cataloguing, please contact Ann Kardos.

Discovery & Resource Management Systems

Access Coordination

Database A-Z List (Springshare/LibGuides Platform)

HLM Admin Maintenance

EBSCOhost Database Maintenance

EZProxy Maintenance

EDS Admin Management Deprecated, see Confluence

Open Athens Deprecated, see Confluence


5C FOLIO Sandbox

5C FOLIO Confluence


Platform Changes


ARCHIVED ADM to ADM transfer of bibs holdings and items records in Aleph

ARCHIVED Batch Record Loading Updating and Editing Instructions

ARCHIVED MARC Record Loading

ARCHIVED Checklist requesting new Aleph collections

ARCHIVED Collection Codes For Aleph MARC Records




ARCHIVED Generating the E-Journal Holdings File for ILL RAPID, IDS Project and Browzine



ARCHIVED SFX Renewals Also includes platforms and transfers

ARCHIVED SFX Routine Maintenance Recurring not including KB Updates


ARCHIVED SFX Targets - Activating

ARCHIVED SFX Update Procedures Weekly KB Updates/Monthly Maintenance

ARCHIVED SFX Reports: Fulltext not found

ARCHIVED SFX Statistics Archives Files

ARCHIVED UMA WorldCat Local Management in OCLC Service Configuration

General Metadata


Analyzed serials monographic series instructions

Batch Loading Team

ARCHIVED Batch Record Loading Updating and Editing Instructions

Books ordered for staff use

Circulation OnTheFly Procedures

Closing monographic series records

Cross-linking Bound-withs Title changes and Ser anals

De-duping OCLC local bib records and MARCIt records

De-ref Procedures

Digital Bookplates

Faculty Writing Place - Cataloging & Processing

Five College Uniform Language for Linking in 856 fields

Gov Docs Transfer Project Instructions

Gov Docs Transfer Project Student Job Description

Item types

Linked Mt Ida Instructions

Linking Project instructions current version 2019

Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Masters Projects Workflow

LOCKSS Instructions

Macro Express Instructions

Macro Express Instructions on Capturing Mouse Movements

MARCIt Record Loads

Masha Rudman Childrens Collection Cataloging and Processing

Masha Rudman Childrens Collection Codes

Masha Rudman Childrens Collection Hierarchical Codes

Memberships - Creating Uniform Bib Records

Move EAST LHR Different Record

Mt. Ida Reserves


Renaissance Center Cataloging


Separate record policy for free electronic resources

Tableau Cataloging Statistics

Withdrawal of Library Materials

FOLIO Documentation

FOLIO production

Five College FOLIO Wiki

Five College FOLIO Training Materials

FOLIO Sandbox

UMass FOLIO Receiving Copy Cataloging

Book Cataloging

Create Edit Holdings Records

Create Edit Item Records

Creating Brief Instance Records

Edits quickMARC

Data Import

Deleting Records

DVD Cataloging

EBSCO Training Recordings

FOLIO Gift Books Cataloging


List Documentation Still Needed

Move records different instance

Move items within instance

Inventory App Documentation

Overlaying Records

Protected MARC Fields

quickMARC Documentation

Receiving Physical Items

Record Import OCLC

Record Types Not Shared by Five Colleges

Serials Processing

Single Monograph New Record No Order

Cataloging Guidelines & Fastcat

Cataloging Equipment

Cataloging monographs fastcat

CD-ROM cataloging instructions

DVD Cataloging Streamlined Guidelines

DVD Fastcat Instructions

E-resource record quality checklist

E-Resources Cataloging - FASTCAT Standards

Government Documents Cataloging

Map Cataloging Resources

Mass Docs Cataloging Procedures

Minimal Metadata Guidelines

Monographs Workflow Overview

Mount Holyoke Cataloging

OCA Cataloging Procedures

Photocopy cataloging

RUSH cataloging and processing workflow


SCUA Cataloging

Y Federal Documents Cataloging

ETD Documentation

Batch Uploading ETDs to ScholarWorks

Blocking Theses From Public View in Scholarworks

Cataloging E-resource Versions of Print Dissertations

Changing one year campus access titles to open access

Correcting theses and dissertations metadata on ScholarWorks pages

Dissertations and Theses Overview

Dissertations Missing from Scholarworks

Graduate Degree Program Codes

MARCEDIT Instructions for Creating Electronic Dissertation Records

Open Access Dissertations - Instructions for Uploading to Scholarworks

Ordering and Processing Dissertations from ProQuest

ScholarWorks Theses and Dissertations Series Abbreviations

Setting up auto collect filters for dissertations and theses collections on ScholarWorks

Transferring ETD files from Proquest

Outdated workflows–Do Not Use! Historical documentation for migration purposes

Adding Dissertations and Theses to Scholarworks Collections

Electronic Dissertations Workflow

Electronic Theses Workflow

Paper Dissertations and Theses Workflow

ScholarWorks instructions for batch revision of one year campus access ETDs to open access


Microforms Overview

Microfiche Cataloging Instructions

Microfilm Cataloging Instructions

Microcard, Microopaque, or Microprint Cataloging Instructions

Music Cataloging

Fast originalcat Music Recitals (CDs)

Fastcat LPs

Fastcat Music Audio Recordings (CDs)

Resources for Cataloging & Metadata Staff

049 fields

910 Formatting

Creating Connexion Macros

Cutter Table

EAST Reallocations Spreadsheet

Metadata Help LibAnswers

Metadata Resources

OCLC Record Manager


RDA Training materials

Serials Workflows

Serials Workflow: Ceased & Cancelled Titles

Serials Workflow: Creation & Maintenance of Local Holdings Records (LHRs) in OCLC

Serials Workflow: Fixing Field 952 Incomplete Holdings

Serials Workflow: Holdings Records

Serials Workflow: New Titles

Serials Workflow: Periodical Receiving

Serials Workflow: Supplement & Index Statements in Holdings Records

Serials Workflow: Title Changes

MARC 866 Guidelines

Missing and Lost Serials and Bound Periodicals

EAST LHR OCLC Data Sync Workflow

Science and SEL (All historical workflows--need to be reviewed with SEL Librarians DO NOT USE)

NACA (U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) Publications

NASA Special Publications (NASA SPs)

Patent and Trademark Cataloging

Plant Patents

SEL Chemical Reference Titles Designated as Five College Copy of Record

SEL Transfers to Repository


ALEPH Services for ARL Collection Statistics

ARL E-Resources Collection Statistics

ARCHIVED SFX Fulltext Not Found

ARCHIVED SFX Statistics Archives Files

Usage Statistics for E-resources - Rationale

Usage Statistics For E-resources - Reporting


Best Practices for Managing this Wiki

Wiki Frequently Asked Questions


Evolving Workflows 2016

Macro Express Instructions

Macro Express Instructions on Capturing Mouse Movements


Wiki Documentation Master List


RDA Training Guide

Classification Web

Student Employees

Resources for student supervisors

Moodle: Resources for library student workers

Student Forms: Libwire Home » Online Forms » Student forms

Documentation from Other Departments

Circulation Documentation

Learning Commons Documentation

Reserves Documentation

SEL Desk Manual