

(Req, Rep, TGN/LOC Authorities/other)

The Work_type field is used to further sub-divide the terms used in the Category field. It refers the work's specific physical form, function, or media.

For more information on Work_type see CCO, pages 54-57.

Guidelines for Specific Work Types:

Pastels- According to Getty AAT pastels (visual works) can be used listed under painting or drawing based on decisions made locally. Please classify all pastels under Drawing for category.



For Work_type try to use the most specific terms for the type of art or cultural object you are cataloging. Worktype is meant to capture the physical nature of the object. Do not include terms that describe the content of the work, e.g. portrait or landscape. Those terms belong in the Subject field. Almost always use the preferred term and add variants to the variant worktype field. If the preferred term is not the most commonly used form, use a variant and add the preferred value as a variant.

Work_type variant

If there are alternative terms or phases for the same Work_type record them here, especially those terms offered in the AAT, LOC, or other authority. Use the Work_type variant field to record the singular form of a Work_type if the preferred is plural. If there is a known alternative term not listed in the authorities, but that would be useful to include, please do.

Work_type refid source

Record the thesaurus used to create the Work_type record.

Work_type refid

Record the refid from the thesaurus for the term used.


Work_type: lithograph

Work_type refid source: Getty AAT

Work_type refid: 300041379

Work_type: chair

Work_type refid source: Getty AAT

Work_type refid: 300037772

Work_type: coins (money)

Work_type refid source: Getty AAT

Work_type refid: 300037222

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