
ICL Cataloging and Image Processing Manual

The Image Collection Library Image Cataloging and Image Processing Manual is meant to help provide consistant answers to all your cataloging and image questions. (Because we all know that when you ask us we're anything but consistent.)

The Fields

The Fields is a section of the wiki that provides specific information on how to approach each field that we use to catalog an image.

Guidelines for Cataloging Specific Subjects

Guidelines for Cataloging Specific Subjects is a section of the wiki that provides specific information on how to catalog images related to certain subjects and worktypes.

Image Workflow

Image Workflow section explains workflows and strategies for capturing and processing images.

External Resources

When the wiki isn't enough check out these External Resources.

/var/www/html/wikis/ICL/data/pages/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:22 (external edit)
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