Cataloging images from Tyndaris (Tindari)

Use this section only as a starting point.

The Site

The site includes Insula IV, a Roman Basilica, and a Greek theater. If an image includes both Insula IV and the Basilica, then both works should be accounted for. You can do this by including two titles, one for each work. You will also need to include the dates for each of the works too, so you'll have two complete sets of creation dates.

Exceptions: some images are landscapes or views of the sea. If there is no architecture or other material from the site visible, just catalog it as a photograph by Cinzia Presti. If there is a general view that includes something like a cistern, then catalog the image as the site: the title will be Tindaris, the view description will describe the cistern or other feature, and the dates will reflect the dates of occupation for the site, unless it is possible to narrow down the dates (if something is very plainly Greek or Roman, for example). Using the site dates is fine. These are:
date: 400 BCE-400 CE
earliest: -400
latest: 400
notes: dates for occupation of site

These dates reflect the earliest settlements and the later Roman occupation. The work type will then be archaeological site.

For the following works, include a relation:
Relation: Tindari Archaological site
Relation type: part of

Insula IV

ca. 254 BCE-400 CE

Greek Theater

400 BCE

Roman Basilica

400 CE

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