(Required if applicable, Rep, ULAN/LOC Authorities)
The Creator field group contains 10 subfields.
Search Getty ULAN first to find creator information.
If no record for the artist exists in ULAN try Library of Congress Name Authorities.
If neither ULAN or LOC have entries for the artist then use the image source (slide label or book plate), the artist's website, and/or other reputable sites to gather as much information as possible to create a local record.
The creator field is required for all man made works. Creators are not required for natural objects (e.g. rock formations or plant-life), unless it is appropriate to record a photographer. For unknown creators use the existing unknown records available in LUNA Inscribe that are differentiated by role rather than unknown artists by nationality in ULAN.
For more information on the creator fields see CCO, pages 77-99. See this FAQ for an index of specific examples in CCO.
Use the 'preferred' name from ULAN or the 'Authorized' heading from LOC.
Use the dates associated with the artists found in the ULAN or LOC records.
Use the 'preferred' nationality from ULAN, or if the artist's nationality is coming from another source, use the preferred term for the nationality in the Getty AAT.
Add variant creator names when there is more than one known spelling for the artist's name. Use only those variants listed in ULAN or LOC Authorities. If you feel the variants listed in ULAN or LOC Authorities are not sufficient, ask your supervisor for advice on how to deal with this issue. (This field is repeatable).
Use one of the following values. 'personal name', 'corporate name', 'family name', or 'other'. That's it! If we catch you creating and/or using another creator type you WILL get in trouble. Seriously, stop it.
Take the 'preferred' role from the artist record in Getty AAT. If there is no AAT record use artist or architect (which ever is most appropriate). If neither is suitable, ask your supervisor.
Only use this field to clear up any confusion about the artist's role in the work. If there is no confusion, don't use this field.
Use this field to explain where information for local records came from, and/or information about the artist to help differentiate them from other artists.
The source of the majority of the information found in the creator record, e.g. Getty ULAN. If the record was made locally because ULAN and LOC didn't have records for the artist, use 'local'. For local records, you should also record any url's with dates you viewed the cite and/or other citations.
The id number from the record source for the creator record, e.g. '500012758' from ULAN or 'n 88205092' from LOC.
Creator name: Buonarroti, Michelangelo
Creator dates: 1475-1564
Creator nationality: Italian
Creator name variant: Bonarroti, Michelangelo
Creator type: personal name
Creator role: artist
Creator role notes:
Creator notes:
Creator refid source: Getty ULAN
Creator refid: 500010654
Creator name: Armitage, George
Creator dates: 1942-
Creator nationality: American
Creator name variant:
Creator type: personal name
Creator role: director
Creator role notes:
Creator notes:
Creator refid source: local, http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000786/, accessed 2009-02-03
Creator refid: n.a.