Use this section only as a starting point. Once you have narrowed your Style_Period options down, go to Getty AAT to find the authority record for the term you need.
Early Etruscan (ca. 900-400 BCE)
Late Etruscan (ca. 400-50 BCE)
Tarquinian (ca. 700-100 BCE): Use only when the object is from Tarquinia or the surrounding area.
Note: Anything dating after 50 BCE should be cataloged under the appropriate Roman time period.
Tarquinian (Roman monarchy) (ca. late 7th century-509 BCE)
Note: Not to be confused with Tarquinian, the Etruscan period, referring to the particular style around Tarquinia.
Sullan (ca. 138-78 BCE)
Late Republican (ca. 120-80 BCE)
Caesarian (ca. 78-44 BCE)
Note: For objects with very specific dates, use Sullan or Caesarian. For objects with more vague date ranges, use Republican and/or Late Republican.
Note: Some regard the end of the Republican period as the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE. Others consider the end to be when Octavian is granted the title Augustus in 27 BCE.
Augustan (27 BCE-14 CE)
Julio-Claudian (27 BCE-69 CE)
Flavian (69-96 CE)
Trajanic (96-117 CE)
Hadrianic (117-138 CE)
Antonine (138-193 CE)
Severan (193-211 CE)
Tetrarchic (ca. 250-311 CE)
Constantinian (311-337 CE)
Note: 337 CE is the end of the Imperial Period in the Eastern Empire. Use Byzantine time periods henceforth for the Eastern Empire. For the Western Empire, Imperial continues until the fall of Rome in 476 CE.
Note: Late Antique overlaps with Early Christian time periods. These are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
For specific Roman emperors, see