


Use the Material_Technique field to record what materials were used to make the work. In our Luna database we treat this field as a free text field where a list of materials and their relationship to each other are represented in a single phrase. Take this information from the image source or other reputable sources that you come across while cataloging the work. Attempt to use previously used entries for common material techniques (e.g. oil on canvas), but feel free to create a new material technique if one does not exist. Do not use the 'Material_Technique refid source' or 'Material_Technique refid' fields.


Material_Technique: 4 photographs on transparent film, 4 light boxes, and black rubber

Material_Technique: wood chair hung on wall with board across seat, coffee pot, tumbler, china, egg cups, eggshells, cigarette butts, spoons, tin cans, etc.

Material_Technique: oil on canvas

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