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Trustworthy web resources

State Museums in Berlin (SMB)

Cataloging the State Museums of Berlin (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Preussicher Kulturbesitz) can be tricky. See a list of institutions here. Getty ULAN contains entries for the individual institutions, but some are in English, and some in German. See ULAN for full records, but here is a cheat sheet for common entries:

National Museums in Berlin (top of hierarchy)

  • Gemaldegalerie
  • Museum fur Ostasiatische Kunst / Museum of East Asian Art
  • Museum of Indian Art / Museum fur Indische Kunst
  • Museum of Prints and Drawings / Kupferstichkabinett
  • Pergamon Museum / Pergamonmuseum
  • Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Staatliche Museen - this entry is outdated, please use more specific institutions instead.

Many objects in these collections are cataloged in Artstor, under ARTstor Collections > Berlin State Museums (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin). The Preussicher Kulturbesitz also maintains its own eMuseum site which is helpful for supplying descriptive data: State Museums of Berlin collections database

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