
This is an old revision of the document!




The Note field is free text field used to make clear the relationships between the other fields if some sublty is lost when parsing information into separate fields. This field can also be used when preferred terms from controlled vocabualaries do not include words that one anticipated patrons to use as search terms.

For more information on titles see CCO, pages 47-58.



For Work_type try use the most specific terms for the type of art or cultural object you are cataloging. Do not include terms that describe the content of the work, e.g. portrait or landscape. Those terms belong in the Subject field. Use the singular when a single work is being cataloged and pluralize the term when more than one is being cataloged.

Work_type refid source

Record the thesaurus used to create the Work_type record.

Work_type refid

Record the refid from the thesaurus for the term used.


Work_type: lithograph

Work_type refid source: Getty AAT

Note: 300041379

Work_type: chair

Work_type refid source: Getty AAT

Work_type refid: 300037772

Work_type: coins (money)

Work_type refid source: Getty AAT

Work_type refid: 300037222

/var/www/html/wikis/ICL/data/attic/note.1242658829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:22 (external edit)
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