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Image Correction Guidelines

General stuff to remember:

  • 5 minute rule – if it looks like it will take over 5 minutes to correct, skip it – we’ll rescan it
  • If you just can’t get it right after your best effort, move to another and let Brian or Steve know
  • If you encounter duplicates while correcting, consult Brian or Steve

Orientation (if necessary)

Use Select tool to outline image with a small border
	Right click to Free Transform - grab corner & rotate as needed
		Choose another tool to make changes permanent
	If needed, hit [Ctrl + “] to view grid over image

II. Crop

Use Crop tool to outline image (when outlined, confirm image orientation)
	Make certain that no border areas are left
	If necessary, crop slightly inside image if nothing significant is lost

III. Color correction

Auto-levels – sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t
Auto-color or Auto-contrast independently
Color balance for overall color adjustment to image
	Variations for rough idea of what direction to go with adjustments
Selective color for working with specific colors

IV. Dark/Light adjustments

Brightness/Contrast – gives a rough adjustment – sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t
Shadow/Highlight – better control – Shadow lightens dark areas & Highlight darkens light areas

V. Background (if necessary) – for objects on a white or colored background

Use Magic Wand with Paint Bucket tools to turn background black

VI. Dot-matrix or visible patterns

Use Filter – Gaussian Blur tool

VII. Sizing – this should be the final step

Use Image Size window to see raw size
Check that longest side is approximately 3100 pixels
Change dpi to 300 (if necessary)
Reduce longest pixel dimension to 3072 – never increase pixel sizes
	If longest dimension is under 3000, consult Brian or Steve

VIII. Saving

Use Save As to save image to Corrected folder on the O: drive
Then move the original uncorrected image from Needs Correction folder to N: drive
/var/www/html/wikis/ICL/data/attic/image_corrections_guidelines.1243015409.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:22 (external edit) Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0