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access_coordination [2019/04/16 19:23]
jmulvaney [Access Systems Coordination]
access_coordination [2024/08/30 19:45] (current)
myoungberg [Database A-Z List]
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   * __SFX__: Officially, only eJournals and databases with full text content are activated in SFX. Some eBooks (like the autoload targets) are activated but we do not use the SFX eBook search interface. Some databases (like the aggregators) have their own targets for the content contained within them, while some are individual OPs in the Misc. eJournal target for the search page only. Some resources are not available in SFX and have to be found elsewhere, as we try not to create LCL items.   * __SFX__: Officially, only eJournals and databases with full text content are activated in SFX. Some eBooks (like the autoload targets) are activated but we do not use the SFX eBook search interface. Some databases (like the aggregators) have their own targets for the content contained within them, while some are individual OPs in the Misc. eJournal target for the search page only. Some resources are not available in SFX and have to be found elsewhere, as we try not to create LCL items.
-  * __EDS__: Officially, everything we pay for is enabled in EDS. This is an overgeneralization. Content published by EBSCO is enabled and uses SmartLinks to connect to full text. Content purchased from EBSCO is enabled ​and uses SmartLinks Plus to connect to full text at the publisher platform. ​Content from EBSCO partner databases is enabled and custom links are created for full text linking at the publisher platform. Some resources are not available in EDS and have to be found elsewhere. +  * __EDS__: Officially, everything we pay for is enabled in EDS. This is an overgeneralization. Metadata from EBSCO partner databases is enabled and custom links are created for full text linking at the publisher platform. Content published by EBSCO is automatically ​enabled and uses SmartLinks to connect to full text. Content purchased from EBSCO is selected in HLM through Order Integration ​and uses SmartLinks Plus to connect to full text at the publisher platform. ​HLM also pushes ​the things we select outside order integration to facilitate SmartLinks where our holdings match metadata. Some resources are not available in EDS and have to be found elsewhere. ​(ex. ProQuest.) ​ 
-  * __HLM__: Officially, all journal content we pay for is enabled ​in HLM. Anything paid to EBSCO is enabled and managed by them. Everything else has to be manually ​enabled ​and tracked. ​Elsevier holdings ​are FTP'd with the autoload data from SFX. +  * __HLM__: Officially, all journal content we pay for is selected ​in HLM. Anything paid to EBSCO is enabled and managed by them through Order Integration. Everything else has to be manually ​selected ​and tracked. ​Some resources ​are not found in HLM, but title lists can be sent to support to create a new package or SFX data can be uploaded to do this locally
-  * __Aleph__: ​Officially, only bibs we pay on are loaded into Aleph. This includes ​individual eJournals, eJournal ​packagesand databases. ​Individual eJournal records from subscription databases ​are not loaded into ALEPH. eJournal Package cover records are suppressed so they are not discoverable in ALEPH. Databases and individual eJournals are left unsuppressed and are discoverable in the catalog. When resources are not available in SFX or EDS/HLM we batch load records for them into Aleph.+  * __Aleph__: ​Bibs are the top level record in Aleph and anything ​we pay on requires a Bib. This includes ​cover records and title level records. All records are suppressed at time of purchase until we get access. Anything we want to be discoverable in the OPAC or EDS is unsupressed (//Database Cover RecordsIndividual eBooks, Physical Materials//​) while the rest stay suppressed (//eJournal/Book Packages, Individual ​eJournals, memberships,​ softwares, tools, etc.//​). ​eJournal records from package subscriptions ​are not loaded into Aleph as a matter of course. When resources are not available in SFX or EDS/HLM we batch load records for them into Aleph by making a request to the [[batch_loading_team|BLT]] who look for a collection in OCLCThey will automatically load records into Aleph when they are provided by the vendor and if they are good enough quality. (//eBook packages//)
   * __DB List__: The A-Z database list is managed by RS now. Jennifer Friedman is in charge of additions and edits at the moment. All paid content that arrives in a database model is included, with reference to the Springshare ID made in CORAL'​s cataloging tab. The A-Z list is the place of last resort when something cannot be found in SFX, EDS, or Aleph.   * __DB List__: The A-Z database list is managed by RS now. Jennifer Friedman is in charge of additions and edits at the moment. All paid content that arrives in a database model is included, with reference to the Springshare ID made in CORAL'​s cataloging tab. The A-Z list is the place of last resort when something cannot be found in SFX, EDS, or Aleph.
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    * Update EDS Holdings Management if necessary    * Update EDS Holdings Management if necessary
        * EBSCO manages content we pay them for (as subscription agent) so we have to manage the rest.        * EBSCO manages content we pay them for (as subscription agent) so we have to manage the rest.
-           * Everything is ejournals, because HLM populates the Ejournal ​Placard.+           * Everything is ejournals, because HLM populates the eJournal ​Placard.
 **In CORAL:** **In CORAL:**
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 ==== Database A-Z List ==== ==== Database A-Z List ====
-Research Services ​manages the A-Z list in Springshare. ​Jennifer Friedman gets email notifications when her workflow ​step becomes active so that she can add, edit, or delete springshare records. She leaves ​Springshare ID note in the cataloging ​tab with the ID for the database record. She is also on the Platform changes worksheet to catch those resources and make changes as needed.+**updated as of 30 August 2024** 
 +Academic Engagement ​manages the A-Z list in Springshare. ​Once Camille or Margaret reach this part of a CORAL workflow, ​the following happens: 
 +To add new resources:​ 
 +  * DRMS fills out a row in the [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1NnyMfEIgwJqeEkAvHTmQY2BwkUpDJEJ8Xix1ZHz71tQ/​edit?​gid=140890334#​gid=140890334|A-Z To add tab]] of the spreadsheet 
 +  * Academic Engagement reviews resourcesdecides whether to include them, and documents this decision in the row 
 +  * DRMS documents the decision in the appropriate Agreement in FOLIO 
 +To update ​or remove existing resources:​ 
 +  * DRMS fills out row in the [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1NnyMfEIgwJqeEkAvHTmQY2BwkUpDJEJ8Xix1ZHz71tQ/​edit?​gid=0#​gid=0|A-Z Updates to existing ​tab]]A-Z Updates to existing tab of the spreadsheet 
 +  * Academic Engagement reviews, makes changes as appropriate,​ and documents any additional information 
 +  * DRMS confirms FOLIO is updated to match.
 ==== Ejournal Transfers ==== ==== Ejournal Transfers ====
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 ==== Platform Changes ==== ==== Platform Changes ====
-Whenever someone sees a platform change (either from HTTP-HTTPS or between companies like Atypon or Ingenta) they should ​put it on the [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1Fchqgk9b_yanTktkw7-r0bcUC3K3Akban0n9UJ185p4/​edit#​gid=0|Platform Changes Sheet]]. Basic information like the name, change type, availability,​ and shut down should be recorded immediately+Whenever someone sees a platform change (either from HTTP-HTTPS or between companies like Atypon or Ingenta) they should ​email Jack
-  * Jack takes care of making changes to the CORAL record, as well as creating new admin accounts if need be. +  * Jack will take care of things in the discovery systems and alert the UMBLT or Research Services
-  * Anyone can change ​the holdings record URL. + 
-  * Nancy or Judy make changes to information surrounding usage reports if need be+ 
-  * Scott makes changes to the EXProxy Stanzas. + 
-  * Jack makes changes in SFX, EDS, and/or HLM. +//​[[jmulvaney@library.umass.edu|Primary contact: Jack Mulvaney]]//​
-  * The BLT makes changes if the resource is batch loaded into Aleph. +
-  * Jennifer Friedman (Research Services) makes changes to the Database A-Z List.+
-==== Package Reviews ==== 
-We no longer perform package reviews except in extraordinary circumstances. 
access_coordination.1555442601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/16 19:23 by jmulvaney
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