Digital Strategies Group Wiki

Trace: introduction mwg_web_audit digital_strategies_group_charge_and_membership



Digital Strategies Group Charge and Membership


Provide direction and strategic planning for the libraries’ development of digital activities that focus on digital content that is created or collected by the libraries, and services that grow from these digital collections. Oversee coordination of digital activities, including creation and management of metadata and digital content. Establish priorities and provide guidance for digital projects.

  • Establish and provide oversight for working groups and implementation teams as needed, including the Metadata Working Group and Digital Creation and Preservation Working Group.
  • Frame priorities for development of digital projects, evaluate their feasibility and sustainability, and make recommendations on allocation of resources.
  • Serve as a venue for information sharing and coordination of current and future practices related to digital capture, metadata, systems, etc.
  • Provide guidance and ensure appropriate coordination for projects involving departments without existing expertise in these areas.
  • Raise awareness within the libraries of current and emerging issues related to digital content such as rights management, digital preservation, etc.
  • Provide oversight for centralized decision making for software and hardware for digital activities.
  • Regularly evaluate the relevance and sustainability of the Libraries’ existing digital programs and systems.
  • Review and approve digital projects and initiatives internal to the libraries, with other entities on campus, and with other institutions.


Chair: Appointed by the Director of Libraries

Members serve by virtue of position or job responsibilities. Shifts in assignment as needed when job descriptions change or new librarians join the staff.

  • Director of the Libraries
  • Associate Director, Collection Services
  • Associate Director, Research and Learning Services
  • Coordinator, Library Systems and Web Management
  • Head, Special Collections and University Archives
  • Head, Image Collection Library
  • Scholarly Communication and Special Initiatives Librarian
  • Digital Strategies Coordinator


Monthly, or as needed, at the call of the Chair. Other members of the staff may be asked to join meetings when their specialized knowledge is needed.

Information Sharing

Maintain brief minutes of each meeting and publish them on LibWire. Provide additional information to the Director of Libraries as requested.