Generating code
Select the link for the database you want
Go to the section ON-CAMPUS AND OFF-CAMPUS USERS (Authentication through a proxy server)
Copy and paste the script code for javascript and the remaining code
Select the databases you want to include in the search set
Follow the remaining steps – box style, title, etc.
Create search box and copy code from box.
Select “Quick Link-Administrative Tools” from left column
Select “Search Widget” tab
Select and move database(s) to include in search
Select search box style options. Note: recommend increasing “Length of text box” to max. 60
Create search box and copy code from box.
ISI Web of Knowledge
NOTE: This is for databases on the new ProQuest platform.
Go to the ProQuest database of your choice.
Select “My Research” in the upper right of the page.
Select the “Widgets” tab.
Under “Widget Preview” make your selections for widget layout and widget selection.
Select “Get Widget” and copy the code from the box.
Or first create a subcollection of GVRL titles
From the left column, select “ebook subcollections”
Follow steps to create a subcollection of Gale Virtual Reference Library titles of your choice. You can also add or delete titles within a subcollection here
NOTE: I have submitted our proxy server URL to Gale, so the prefix will be automatically added to the widget.
Pasting code
NOTE: Code includes javascript, so you can insert it to a system that supports it, such as an html page or a LibGuide. The library content management system and university blogs do not support javascript.
Login to your LibGuide and add a new box=Rich Text/Dynamic Content/Scripts. Give title and create box.
Select “Add text” to generate editor and move from “Rich Text Editor” (default) to “Plain Text Editor”. IMPORTANT NOTE: Code seems to get chopped off if added and saved in the Rich Text Editor.
Paste widget code into Plain Text Editor and add any explanatory text, such as what databases are included in search. Save changes.