Table of Contents


Depository Transfers Serials and Periodicals Prep

This document covers preparation of Aleph Item and HOL records for serials and periodicals being transferred to the Depository.


1) All items on a bib are being shipped to the Depository
2) Some items are remaining in UM

Tips and Troubleshooting

362 Field

No 362? This is not a problem if the bib 008 has “u” or “uu” in the date fields, i.e.

If there are dates, check OCLC for a 362. If there is no 362 on OCLC, check with Lucy or Sarah.

Admin Records (UMA50):

Bib Records:

Bunker Trays:

Electronic Copy Remaining in UM

FCDPT Existing Records and Items:

HOL record

Holdings statement reformatting.

All 866 fields should be updated to the new format. Updated 866 41 fields use commas to show gaps and semicolons to show changes in format (comma trumps semicolon). Depository HOLs do not use slashes at the end of the holdings statement. A reformatted 866 field uses indicators 41. If there are too many gaps to update an 866 field within reasonable time, use 866 31 and “(with gaps)”. Here are some examples with correct spacing:

Item Record

Item Description Fields

Item Records: UM/ISEL Items on DP Records.


LKR Fields

Missing Volumes:

OCA Project:

Order Records - see "Admin Records (UMA50)"

Packing Slips

Updating record troubles

URL Text