====== ARCHIVED Open Access E-Journal (and E-Book) Activations ====== **THIS PAGE CONTAINS OUTDATED INFORMATION AND IS ARCHIVED** The following notes cover what open access (OA) e-journals (and e-books) e-resources staff make available through our SFX and OCLC knowledge bases and how they are doing this. OA e-journal MARC records for our UMA catalog are generated through the SFX knowledge base. Activating OA e-books and e-journals also enables linking from our [[http://sfxhosted.exlibrisgroup.com/umass/az|E-Journals List]] (e-journals only), abstracting and indexing databases and View Now links in UMA WorldCat. The workflows continue and work together with [[http://www.library.umass.edu/wikis/acp/doku.php?id=e-resources_cataloging_instructions_for_free_internet_resources|free resource cataloging procedures]] in BAMU. [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I5gtgiNWS95aYs7KClVyNNnxysM1heHRBHVcWFu9sBM/edit?usp=sharing|List of requested free resources.]] ===== Guidelines for OA e-journal activation: ===== * Requested by selector via form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M_6__F1CcrvK99Qt768y9olYYXUy_BE1iEZCl8nhjgU/viewform) and received from BAMU e-resources cataloger * Publisher title that comes to attention of acquisitions staff w/in context of publisher package and/or supports a UMA subject discipline * Selected established, reliable and actively managed OA collections of scholarly content. ===== Workflow for individual OA titles: ===== * Upon receipt of request or publisher announcement, check if title has been cataloged to DP by any of the Five Colleges. If so, notify selector and do nothing else. * If not, activate in publisher (vs. platform or miscellaneous) open access or free target (SFX) and collection (OCLC KB). Do NOT activate in publisher subscription target. * If an object is available in SFX but there’s no publisher OA target, add object to misc OA e-journal target. * Add internal note to object portfolio (SFX) or staff note (OCLC KB) with source/rationale for selection, date and initials. Review dates will be subsequently added. * Note on requested free resource list whether the object type will generate a MARCIt record. OA SFX targets are included in MARCit record loads to UMA ALEPH ADM. * Types that generate MARCIt records are: * Journal, * Conference, * Newspaper, * Series, * Transcript, * Wire. * Database? * Types do **NOT** generate MARCIt records are: * Book, * CD, * Dissertation, * Document, * Manuscript, * Proceeding, * Report. * Database? * Select “Maintain WorldCat Holdings – Use institution setting” and “ILL allowed – No” for collection in OCLC KB. * If access exists in HathiTrust, do not catalog. * Do not add order records, or delete any existing order records, for any title available only as OA. * OA selected individual titles will be reviewed on an annual basis within package review procedures. * Note: Jim Kelly does not wish to be notified. ===== Workflow for selecting OA Packages in EDS/HLM: ===== * Unordered List Item