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license_violation_procedures [2022/11/23 19:01] [Databases that DO and DO NOT allow Text & Data Mining]
license_violation_procedures [2025/02/26 14:25] (current) [Identify compromised account]
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         - If using Putty, you can right click on header to copy screen to Clipboard         - If using Putty, you can right click on header to copy screen to Clipboard
         - Alternatively use psftp to ftp the entire logfile to your PC         - Alternatively use psftp to ftp the entire logfile to your PC
 +        - Note that server logs are retained for one week, so we cannot identify misuse farther back than that.
 ====Temporarily block IP==== ====Temporarily block IP====
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 We have identified the offending user id and placed a deny request in our proxy. Our University IT is forcing a reset of their password. Please lift any blocks against our IP address. We have identified the offending user id and placed a deny request in our proxy. Our University IT is forcing a reset of their password. Please lift any blocks against our IP address.
 +==NOTE: IT needs the following information to identify an on-campus user (when the traffic is coming from an on-campus IP address & not through the proxy server):==
 +You will need to ask the vendor for this information,​ as some vendors do not include all of it in the logs they send.
 +  * The dates, times the incident took place, and the timezone of this date & time information.
 +  * The campus IP address the mis-use was coming from.
 +  * The vendor'​s IP address and network port of the service that is being mis-used.
 ====Lift block on IP==== ====Lift block on IP====
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   * Newsbank (Access World News)   * Newsbank (Access World News)
   * APS   * APS
 +  * HeinOnline -- does not allow "​downloading or printing an entire issue or issues of a publication or journal within the database."​
license_violation_procedures.1669230063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/23 19:01 by
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