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archive:coral [2024/05/29 19:46]
kgberry created
archive:coral [2024/05/29 19:49] (current)
kgberry [ARCHIVED]
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-====== ARCHIVED: ​CORAL, or Centralized Online Resource: Acquisitions and Licensing======+ 
 +====CORAL, or Centralized Online Resource: Acquisitions and Licensing====
 CORAL 2.0 is now up and running at UMass, and can be found at http://​coral.library.umass.edu/​. Just select the image of the Du Bois Library, choose a Module, and log in with your credentials. CORAL 2.0 is now up and running at UMass, and can be found at http://​coral.library.umass.edu/​. Just select the image of the Du Bois Library, choose a Module, and log in with your credentials.
archive/coral.1717012016.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/29 19:46 by kgberry
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