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archive:batch_record_loading_updating_and_editing_instructions [2024/05/29 19:26]
kgberry created
archive:batch_record_loading_updating_and_editing_instructions [2024/05/29 20:06] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 [[marc_record_loading|Aleph Instructions on Batch Loading]] ​ [[marc_record_loading|Aleph Instructions on Batch Loading]] ​
-[[batch_loading_team|Information on the Batch Loading Team with links to working documents]]+[[https://​www.library.umass.edu/​wikis/​acp/​doku.php?​id=batch_loading_team|Information on the Batch Loading Team with links to working documents]]
archive/batch_record_loading_updating_and_editing_instructions.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/29 20:06 by kgberry
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