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archive:batch_loading_team [2024/05/29 20:02]
kgberry removed
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-===The Batch Services Team=== 
-BSW works to coordinate batch services in Aleph and in particular the batch loading of bibliographic metadata title sets for eresources and batch processing Local Holdings Records for print serials. ​ 
-Agendas and other documents are in the Batch Services Team.  
-[[https://​trello.com/​b/​LkuWz9Mh|UMass Batch Loading Activities]] 
-[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1TAIR-RHSVAHsWnD8spaq7e4USxxRNL1f7Gk8MRxNjJE/​edit#​gid=0|Five Colleges In Common Electronic Resources]]:​ list of resources for each of the five colleges 
-[[https://​forms.gle/​9U8ddV7FGTXTWLi29|eResource Platform and URL Changes]]: Submit platform changes for epackages. 
-__**Tracking Batch Loads:**__ 
-Batch loads are now tracked using Trello, the [[https://​trello.com/​b/​LkuWz9Mh|UMass Batch Loading Activities]]. ​ 
-__**Link to MarcEdit Tasks:**__ 
-There are archived tasks on the Record Load shared network drive. Current tasks can be found on GitHub. 
-[[https://​github.com/​jenmawe/​marcedit|MarcEdit Tasks for electronic resources MARC files]] 
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