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staff_directory [2013/04/18 19:18]
staff_directory [2013/10/21 12:53]
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 | Kay **Dion** | Cataloging Assistant | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 5-2091 | [[kdion@library.umass.edu]] | University dissertations and theses management, SCUA and unique projects cataloging, monographic and Russian cataloging, A/Vs, IRM wiki creating and editing | | Kay **Dion** | Cataloging Assistant | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 5-2091 | [[kdion@library.umass.edu]] | University dissertations and theses management, SCUA and unique projects cataloging, monographic and Russian cataloging, A/Vs, IRM wiki creating and editing |
 | Gary **Hough** | Head, IRM Dept. | All units | 5-6856 | [[ghough@library.umass.edu]] | Administration | | Gary **Hough** | Head, IRM Dept. | All units | 5-6856 | [[ghough@library.umass.edu]] | Administration |
-| Catherine **Knapp** | Electronic Resources Specialist | Electronic Resources Management | 7-0579 | [[cknapp@library.umass.edu]] | SFX updates, statistics, activation/​deactivation, troubleshooting. Assist with ejournalebookand database maintenance. |+| Catherine **Knapp** | Electronic Resources Specialist | Electronic Resources Management | 7-0579 | [[cknapp@library.umass.edu]] | SFX KB maintenance,​ server file maintenance,​ troubleshooting/​reporting, ​updates, new functionality implementation, statistics, activation/​deactivation. Vendor/​publisher issues. Assist with maintenance of WCL KBIRM workflowsERM, LOCKSS, platform changes. ​ Involvement in 5C ERM |
 | Lorraine **James** | Book Repair Coordinator | Materials Management Team | 7-2387 |[[ljames@library.umass.edu]]|In-house book repair, bindery coordinator for monographs, DVD cataloging| | Lorraine **James** | Book Repair Coordinator | Materials Management Team | 7-2387 |[[ljames@library.umass.edu]]|In-house book repair, bindery coordinator for monographs, DVD cataloging|
 | Marcelle **Lipke** | Senior Cataloging Assistant | Bibliographic Access and Metadata| 5-2164 |[[mplipke@library.umass.edu]]|Screening for Linking Project, cataloging, music processing, discards, reinstatements,​ withdrawals,​ Depository transfers| | Marcelle **Lipke** | Senior Cataloging Assistant | Bibliographic Access and Metadata| 5-2164 |[[mplipke@library.umass.edu]]|Screening for Linking Project, cataloging, music processing, discards, reinstatements,​ withdrawals,​ Depository transfers|
staff_directory.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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