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staff_directory [2012/05/02 15:47]
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 | Peter **Shea** | Cataloger | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 7-2147 |[[shea@library.umass.edu]]|cataloging of all notated and recorded music materials, monographs in all Roman-alphabet foreign languages, videorecordings (mainly performance-related or in Germanic languages), rush monographs, other stuff nobody else wants to catalog | | Peter **Shea** | Cataloger | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 7-2147 |[[shea@library.umass.edu]]|cataloging of all notated and recorded music materials, monographs in all Roman-alphabet foreign languages, videorecordings (mainly performance-related or in Germanic languages), rush monographs, other stuff nobody else wants to catalog |
 | Scott **Stangroom** | Coordinator of Acquisitions | Acquisitions | 5-6724 |[[stangroom@library.umass.edu]]|acquisitions,​ licensing, budget administration and reporting| | Scott **Stangroom** | Coordinator of Acquisitions | Acquisitions | 5-6724 |[[stangroom@library.umass.edu]]|acquisitions,​ licensing, budget administration and reporting|
-| Barbara **Stewart** | Cataloger |Information ​and Resources Management  ​| 7-2634 |[[stew@library.umass.edu]] ​ |Cataloger, DVD cataloging, Spanish and Portuguese languages materials, University Photos Project participant ​ | +| Barbara **Stewart** | Cataloger |Bibliographic Access ​and Metadata ​| 7-2634 |[[stew@library.umass.edu]] ​ |Cataloger, DVD cataloging, Spanish and Portuguese languages materials, University Photos Project participant ​ | 
 | Sarah **Thomson** | Cataloger | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 7-2632 | [[sarah.thomson@library.umass.edu]] | | Sarah **Thomson** | Cataloger | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 7-2632 | [[sarah.thomson@library.umass.edu]] |
 | Christine **Turner** | E-Resources Librarian | Acquisitions | 7-1026 |[[cturner@library.umass.edu]]|acquisitions,​ collection assessment, licensing, usage data, WorldCat Local| | Christine **Turner** | E-Resources Librarian | Acquisitions | 7-1026 |[[cturner@library.umass.edu]]|acquisitions,​ collection assessment, licensing, usage data, WorldCat Local|
staff_directory.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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