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staff_directory [2012/05/02 15:26]
staff_directory [2012/05/02 15:42]
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 | Meghan Banach **Bergin** | Bibliographic Access and Metadata Coordinator | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 5-6846 | [[mbanach@library.umass.edu]] | Supervise the Bibliographic Access and Metadata Unit, Electronic resources cataloging, Open Content Alliance/​Internet Archive cataloging, Electronic Theses and Dissertations,​ LOCKSS, Digital Preservation,​ Metadata, IRM Wiki Co-Administrator |  | Meghan Banach **Bergin** | Bibliographic Access and Metadata Coordinator | Bibliographic Access and Metadata | 5-6846 | [[mbanach@library.umass.edu]] | Supervise the Bibliographic Access and Metadata Unit, Electronic resources cataloging, Open Content Alliance/​Internet Archive cataloging, Electronic Theses and Dissertations,​ LOCKSS, Digital Preservation,​ Metadata, IRM Wiki Co-Administrator | 
 | Lucy **deGozzaldi** | Cataloging Assistant | Bibliographic Access and Metada | 7-0578 | [[lucyd@library.umass.edu]] | serials cataloging and management, problem solving, statistics, clean-up projects using Aleph Services and ARC, weekly OCLC updates. | | Lucy **deGozzaldi** | Cataloging Assistant | Bibliographic Access and Metada | 7-0578 | [[lucyd@library.umass.edu]] | serials cataloging and management, problem solving, statistics, clean-up projects using Aleph Services and ARC, weekly OCLC updates. |
-| Kay **Dion** | Thesis Cataloger | Senior ​Cataloging Assistant ​| 5-2091 | [[kdion@library.umass.edu]] | University dissertations and theses ​cataloging and workflow, Russian cataloging, Wiki page creating and editing, ​monographic ​cataloging, added volumes cataloging, SCUA projects cataloging, ​unique cataloging projects ​|+| Kay **Dion** | Thesis Cataloger | Senior ​Cataloger ​| 5-2091 | [[kdion@library.umass.edu]] | University dissertations and theses ​managementmonographic and Russian cataloging, SCUA and unique projects cataloging, A/Vs, Wiki creating and editing ​
 +| Barbara **Stewart** | Cataloger |Information and Resources Management ​ | 7-2634 |[[stew@library.umass.edu]] ​ |CatalogerDVD cataloging, ​Spanish and Portuguese languages materials, University Photos Project participant ​ |   added volumes cataloging, SCUA and unique ​projects cataloging, ​certain new records ​|
 | Gary **Hough** | Head, IRM Dept. | All units | 5-6856 | [[ghough@library.umass.edu]] | Administration | | Gary **Hough** | Head, IRM Dept. | All units | 5-6856 | [[ghough@library.umass.edu]] | Administration |
 | Catherine **Knapp** | Electronic Resources Specialist | Electronic Resources Management | 7-0579 | [[cknapp@library.umass.edu]] | SFX updates, statistics, activation/​deactivation,​ troubleshooting. Assist with ejournal, ebook, and database maintenance. | | Catherine **Knapp** | Electronic Resources Specialist | Electronic Resources Management | 7-0579 | [[cknapp@library.umass.edu]] | SFX updates, statistics, activation/​deactivation,​ troubleshooting. Assist with ejournal, ebook, and database maintenance. |
staff_directory.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:20 (external edit)
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