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shelf-ready_processing_of_approvals_and_selection_slips [2012/04/17 13:25]
shelf-ready_processing_of_approvals_and_selection_slips [2012/04/17 13:28]
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 ♦Click "​Update"​ to save item record changes. ♦Click "​Update"​ to save item record changes.
 +===Science versus Du Bois locations===
 +Make sure call numbers match library location code assigned. It's sometimes necessary to change the location in the holdings record and add or delete a location from a call number label. Books labeled as “SCIENCE” sometimes have a call number that indicates they should instead be shelved in the Du Bois Library, and visa versa. Consult the [[AA Chart for Cataloging to Locations As Appropriate]] to aid in determining the correct location for a book based on call number. ​
 ==== Additional Steps for Non-Rush Books Lacking Call Numbers and/or completed Physical Information (300) Fields ==== ==== Additional Steps for Non-Rush Books Lacking Call Numbers and/or completed Physical Information (300) Fields ====
shelf-ready_processing_of_approvals_and_selection_slips.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/24 15:38 by mbanach
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