===== Category ===== ==== Overview ==== (Req, Rep, [[http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/tgn/|TGN]]/[[http://authorities.loc.gov/|LOC Authorities]]/other) The //Category// field is used to group together like works according to genre or discipline. ---- ==== Fields ==== === Category === The //Category// field includes the most general terms for the type of art or cultural object being cataloged. **Only use existing terms in Luna for the //Category// field.** If none of the existing terms are appropriate for the work you are cataloging, consult with your supervisor. To assign terms that are more specific, e.g. relief, sketch, etc., use the [[Work_type]] field. If a work crosses genres, please repeat the Category field to capture this information. === Term Usage === **Architecture and City Planning**- for images of built works and related works (e.g. buildings, plans, elevations). For permanantly affixed decorative components of architecture use this category and any others that might be appropriate, e.g. a permanantly installed mosaic would have both "Architecture and City Planning" and "Decorative Arts, Utilitarian Objects and Interior Design". **Decorative Arts, Utilitarian Objects and Interior Design**- for images of objects typically thought of as household/decorative objects or artifacts (e.g. chairs, coins, arrows). **Drawings**- for delineated images made with pencil, pen, or ink through direct application. Include here pastel drawings. **Fashion, Costume and Jewelery**- for images of clothing, accessories and other forms of adornment. **Film, Audio, Video and Digital Art**- for works that include motion picture, sound, and/or are created with computers. **Graphic Design and Illustration**- for works designed for commercial or illustrative purposes (e.g. posters, announcements, fliers, postcards) **Humanities and Social Sciences**- for images that depict or allude to the archaeologic process or other humanities disciplines. **Manuscripts and Manuscript Illuminations**- for handwritten documents and related illustrations. For other book art related images use "Decorative Arts, Utilitarian Objects and Interior Design". **Maps, Charts and Graphs**- (self-explanatory) **Paintings**- for works created by the application of paint or other wet pigment on a support medium. Use also for two-dimensional mixed-media that includes the painting process. For frescoes use "Paintings" and "Architecture and City Planning". **Performing Arts (including Performance Art)**- for images of performances given by actors, musicians, poets, artists, etc., and/or include public participation. **Photography**- works created through the use of a still camera or with photographs themselves (e.g. photomontage, photocollages) **Prints**- use for works produced by transferring images by means of a matrix such as a plate, block, or screen, using any of various printing processes. **Sculpture and Installations**- Use for works of three dimensional art, including installations that transform a space using sculptural elements. **Science, Technology and Industry**- for images that depict or allude to scientific processes, technology or industrial processes. === Category refid source === Record the thesaurus used to create the Category record. === Category refid === Record the refid from the thesaurus for the term used. ==== Examples ==== **Category:** Performing Arts (including Performance Art) **Category refid source:** ArtSTOR **Category refid:** n.a. ---- **Category:** Science, Technology, and Industry **Category refid source:** ArtSTOR **Category refid:** n.a. ---- **Category:** Painting **Category refid source:** ArtSTOR **Category refid:** n.a.