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image_corrections_guidelines [2009/05/22 17:48]
sfolsom created
image_corrections_guidelines [2019/01/07 17:22] (current)
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 === General stuff to remember: === === General stuff to remember: ===
 +  * 5 minute rule – if it looks like it will take over 5 minutes to correct, skip it – we’ll rescan it 
 +  * If you just can’t get it right after your best effort, move to another and let your supervisor know
 +  * If you encounter duplicates while correcting, consult your supervisor
- 5 minute rule – if it looks like it will take over 5 minutes to correct, skip it – we’ll rescan it 
- If you just can’t get it right after your best effort, move to another and let Brian or Steve know 
- If you encounter duplicates while correcting, consult Brian or Steve 
-I. Orientation (if necessary) +=== Orientation (if necessary) ​===
- Use Select tool to outline image with a small border +
- Right click to Free Transform - grab corner & rotate as needed +
- Choose another tool to make changes permanent +
- If needed, hit [Ctrl + “] to view grid over image+
-II. Crop +  * Use //​Select// ​tool to outline image with a small border 
- Use Crop tool to outline image (when outlined, confirm image orientation+  * Right click to //Free Transform// - grab corner & rotate as needed ​(Choose another tool to make changes permanent
- Make certain that no border areas are left +  ​* ​If neededhit [Ctrl + “] to view grid over image
- If necessarycrop slightly inside image if nothing significant is lost +
-  +
-III. Color correction +
- Auto-levels – sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t +
- Auto-color or Auto-contrast independently +
- Color balance for overall color adjustment ​to image +
- Variations for rough idea of what direction to go with adjustments +
- Selective color for working with specific colors+
-IV. Dark/Light adjustments 
- Brightness/​Contrast – gives a rough adjustment – sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t 
- Shadow/​Highlight – better control – Shadow lightens dark areas & Highlight darkens light areas 
-V. Background (if necessary) – for objects on a white or colored background +=== Crop ===
- Use Magic Wand with Paint Bucket tools to turn background black+
-VI. Dot-matrix or visible patterns +  * Use //​Crop// ​tool to outline image (when outlined, confirm image orientation) 
- Use Filter – Gaussian Blur tool+  * Make certain that no border areas are left 
 +  * If necessary, crop slightly inside image if nothing significant is lost 
 +  ​
-VII. Sizing – this should be the final step +=== Color correction ===
- Use Image Size window to see raw size +
- Check that longest side is approximately 3100 pixels +
- Change dpi to 300 (if necessary) +
- Reduce longest pixel dimension to 3072 – never increase pixel sizes +
- If longest dimension is under 3000, consult Brian or Steve+
-VIII. Saving +  * //​Auto-levels//​ – sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t 
- Use Save As to save image to Corrected folder on the O: drive +  * //​Auto-color//​ or //​Auto-contrast//​ independently 
- Then move the original uncorrected image from Needs Correction folder to N: drive+  * //Color balance// for overall color adjustment to image (Variations for rough idea of what direction to go with adjustments) 
 +  * //Selective color// for working with specific colors 
 +=== Dark/Light adjustments === 
 +  * //​Brightness/​Contrast//​ – gives a rough adjustment – sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t 
 +  * //​Shadow/​Highlight//​ – better control – Shadow lightens dark areas & Highlight darkens light areas 
 +=== Background (if necessary) === 
 +  * for objects on a white or colored background 
 +  * Use //Magic Wand// with //Paint Bucket// tools to turn background black 
 +=== Dot-matrix or visible patterns === 
 +  * Use //Filter// – //Gaussian Blur// tool 
 +=== Sizing – this should be the final step === 
 +  * Use //Image Size// window to see raw size 
 +  * Check that longest side is approximately 3100 pixels 
 +  * Change dpi to 300 (if necessary) 
 +  * Reduce longest pixel dimension to 3072 – never increase pixel sizes (If longest dimension is under 3000, consult your supervisor) 
 +=== Saving ​=== 
 +  ​* ​Use //Save As// to save image to Corrected folder on the O: drive 
 +  ​* ​Then move the original uncorrected image from Needs Correction folder to N: drive 
/var/www/html/wikis/ICL/data/attic/image_corrections_guidelines.1243014531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/07 17:22 (external edit)
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