
Introduction to the Research Process

Five modules guide students through understanding the importance of background research, focusing a research question, understanding the role of Google and Wikipedia in gathering research, and developing a scholarly mindset.

Types of Research Materials: lite research material and advanced research material

Seven modules discuss the relationship between data, information, and knowledge and describe differences between source types. Building on the “Types of Research Materials Lite” bundle, the advanced set includes additional tutorials and quizzes on source types.

Search strategies lite and advanced

Six modules guide students through the search process, from identify search needs and the appropriate databases, to using keywords and refining searches to get the best results. The advanced search strategies bundle includes the same media as the Search Strategies Lite bundle, with additional tutorials and quizzes.

Bias in research

Four modules introduce the concepts of authority and bias in research, and guide students in recognizing bias when evaluating sources.

Digital Privacy

This module will introduce students to the idea of digital privacy and their responsibilities as information users.