Congratulations! You've successfully created a DOI for your research data.

Next steps for care and feeding of your DOI:

1. Using your DOI to cite your data

Cite data in the same way that you would cite a journal article. There are recommendations for citing data from institutions like DataCite. Their recommended format for citing data is: Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Publisher. Identifier.

Some examples:

CrossRef recommends displaying DOI as a URL in the online environment (by prepending the idenfitier with “”) to make navigation easier.

2. Moving your data to a new location

Hopefully you've found a stable home for your data so it doesn't have to move around. Many researchers deposit their data in disciplinary data repositories (see disciplinary repositories. Others use their Institutional Repository, such as the University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries' ScholarWorks.

A DOI functions when the location (URL) of the data is correct and up to date. If you move your data from one website to another or one repository to another without updating the location in the metadata associated with that DOI, it will NOT return your data.

To change the location of a dataset associated with a DOI you received through UMass Amherst Libraries' EZID program, just contact the Data Working Group. Email us at If you are the manager of a group account and can access the EZID interface, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the EZID user interface.
  2. Go to “Manage IDs” and select the DOI you are updating.
  3. In the “Identifier Details” screen, click “Edit”.
  4. Pate in the new URL for the dataset and click “Save changes”.
  5. Log out of EZID.

3. Deleting your DOI

A DOI is a permanent identifier for your dataset and can not be deleted.