Digital Skills and Projects Form Initial Report (Overview)

July 2011

The Digital Projects and Skills Form was intended to identify the digital skills that are used or desired across the Libraries, as well as to identify the various digital projects in which work areas are engaged or in which they would like to be engaged, with the goal of informing resource allocation and staff training decisions. This form does not provide an analysis of any individual’s proficiency in digital skills. Rather, the information collected through this form articulates the range of digital skills and projects that the Libraries are or would like to be involved and the basis for which to conduct further exploration of the Libraries’ digital competencies and activities.

The form was sent 25 people, primarily heads of divisions or department heads, and working group chairs. Three people did not complete the form; 2 people completed the form twice for different work areas; 7 work areas had responses from more than one person. A total of 24 forms were collected, representing 16 work areas:

Recipients were asked to report on digital skills and projects in their work area. Response highlights include: