====== Digital Scholarship and Consulting Services ====== DSCS aggregates digital scholarship services provided by different work areas within the Libraries to a single point of access. Services offered include existing services provided by Special Collections, the Image Collection Library, and Scholarly Communication and new services being implemented by the Working Groups. Contact: [[dscs@library.umass.edu]] ===== Overview ===== * Who this service is for: Faculty, staff, and community partners\\ * What does this service do: provide consultations on the acquisition, production, organization, access & discovery, preservation of unique digital content of various formats; this is not a production-level digitization or web hosting service, although these are services that we can consult on and, if appropriate, provide support for.\\ * Where/How do you access this service: This is a virtual service accessible through the libraries website: [[http://www.library.umass.edu/services/dscs/]]; services are provided for free on a consultation basis. In addition, DSCS office hours are held every Wednesday from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. in the Teaching Commons.\\ * Why are the Libraries providing this service: Research and instruction has changed dramatically within the past decade. The Libraries role of acquiring, organizing, providing access to, and preserving the scholarly and culture record continues despite the rapid transition from textual to digital media for creating instructional object and scholarly works. The Libraries are the only entity on campus uniquely qualified and dedicated to supporting these activities across myriad manifestations. ===== Workflow ===== DSCS requests are forwarded to the appropriate work area within the Library for action. These work areas include: Special Collections, Scholarly Communication, Reserves, the Image Collection Library, and all of the Working Groups. Requests may require action by one or more work areas. If the request concerns a large or complex project that the Libraries may potentially partner on, a digital project proposal is created and vetted by the Digital Strategies Group. {{::digital_project_submission_process3.jpg?200 |}}