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oai_harvesting_via_marcedit [2020/04/28 17:18]
oai_harvesting_via_marcedit [2022/05/16 19:35] (current)
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-====== OAI Harvesting of Scholarworks Records Via MarcEdit ​======+====== PAGE OUTDATED ARCHIVED ======= 
 +=== OAI Harvesting of Scholarworks Records Via MarcEdit ===
 This document puts in place the basics for harvesting the University'​s ETD dissertations,​ masters theses, MFA theses and LARP terminal projects in Scholarworks via an OAI-PMH crosswalk using an XML and XSLT script. ​ This document puts in place the basics for harvesting the University'​s ETD dissertations,​ masters theses, MFA theses and LARP terminal projects in Scholarworks via an OAI-PMH crosswalk using an XML and XSLT script. ​
oai_harvesting_via_marcedit.1588094299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/28 17:18 by ldegozzaldi
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