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known_issues_with_accessing_e-resources [2019/06/10 12:15]
jmulvaney [Troubleshooting Electronic Resources Access Problems]
known_issues_with_accessing_e-resources [2019/06/10 12:16] (current)
jmulvaney [Response Best Practices]
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 ===== Response Best Practices ===== ===== Response Best Practices =====
 +  * **This section is out of date as of the 6/10/19 Migration to LibAnswers for DBHelp**
   * See new dbhelps in your personal email account, but respond to them from the dbhelpm account. This ensures the thread is maintained in a central account, rather than tucked away in a personal account. If a thread goes on over several days and between different people covering dbhelpm, the context and history are available to all.   * See new dbhelps in your personal email account, but respond to them from the dbhelpm account. This ensures the thread is maintained in a central account, rather than tucked away in a personal account. If a thread goes on over several days and between different people covering dbhelpm, the context and history are available to all.
   * When responding to a message from dbhelpm, copy dbhelpATlibrary.umass.edu so all on list can see that message has been responded to from their personal accounts.   * When responding to a message from dbhelpm, copy dbhelpATlibrary.umass.edu so all on list can see that message has been responded to from their personal accounts.
known_issues_with_accessing_e-resources.1560168948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/10 12:15 by jmulvaney
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