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marcit_record_loads [2012/10/18 17:53] external edit
marcit_record_loads [2013/04/09 21:47]
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 ====== MARCIt Record Loads ====== ====== MARCIt Record Loads ======
-Occasionally,​ all the MARCIt records in the catalog are completely replaced. More commonly, only new records are added. ​The following is the general process for adding ​new bibliographic records generated by the SFX/MARCIt! service to the catalog. These are approximately half CONSER records for serials the library ​offers ​through individual or package subscriptions,​ database aggregators,​ or open access. ​+The following is the general process for adding bibliographic records generated by the SFX/MARCIt! service to the catalog. These are approximately half CONSER records for serials ​offered by the library through individual or package subscriptions ​where available, brief records for non-CONSER journals supplied by the SFX system, database aggregators,​ or open access. ​
-  * On bi-monthly basis Mike Allard ​generates MARCIt! records using the MARCIt! Tool within the SFX Admin Center. ​The load contains CONSER ​records ​where available, and brief records for non-CONSER journals supplied by the SFX system+  * On an approximate ​bi-monthly basis, Lucy deGozzaldi ​generates MARCIt! records using the MARCIt! Tool within the SFX Admin Center. 
 +  * Several changes are applied to the bib records ​through a scriptin preparation for loading ​and management in our catalog through Aleph services. 
 +  * The following files are created through Aleph Services/​Load Records/​Check Input File Against Database (manage-36):​ 
 +    - **New** - MARCIt! ​records ​being added to our database ​for the first time. 
 +    ​**Updated** - MARCIt! records already existing in the Aleph database which have been revised, and need to be overlaid. (Normally the largest file we receive.) ​ ??This report also notes which records have multiple 856 fields in the holdings record.??​[need to check with Mike]   
 +    - **Duplicates** - multiple MARCIt records in Aleph with the same SFX ID in the 035-9 field. These are now rare, as they have been "​cleaned up." ​ If any are found, they need to be reviewed and resolved by eleres.
-  * Mike loads the MARCIt file into Aleph. A script adds item and holdings records, moves the 856 field from the bib to the holdings, and notes: +//NOTE Bibs earmarked for deletion will have "umzzz" in 035-9 field. ​ These can occur in both the **new** or **updated** files.//
-       ​* ​"**Deletes**" ​- existing MARCIt records ​in Aleph which are not in the current load file. These get an additional ​035-9 field with "​UMZZZ+SFXID"​ in itThey are also suppressed. +
-       * "​**Duplicates**"​ - two existing MARCIt records with the same SFX ID in the 035-9 field. These are rare now, as they have been "​cleaned up." +
-       "**Revisions**" - existing MARCIt records which have been revised and overlaid. This report also notes which records have multiple 856 fields in the holdings record. +
-       "**New**" - records which have been added for the first time.+
-  * Mike generates spreadsheets with "​deletes" ​and "non-SFX urls" ​(from the revisions report), puts them in Coll_Management:​\Acquisitions\MARCIt,​ and sends message ​to eleres ​with filenamesE-resources staff review those bibs which have attached order records and decide whether Mike should delete bibs on the deletes report. After reviewreturn to Mike the bib numbers NOT to be deleted. +  * After all preparatory steps are done, the files of new and updated records are loaded into the Aleph database. ​ For the **new** records, items and HOL records are created (through Aleph Services manage-50, which adds the 856 to the HOL and the proper coding into the items) and the 856 removed from the bibs.  For the **updated** records, the urls are compared and differences resolved ​(through downloading machine-readable data into Excel) and the 856 removed ​from the bibs after overlaying. 
-  * Review ​bibs on error report ​which have order records attached. Four possible scenarios with these records: +  
-  - Bib is being replaced with "​better"​ record: Staff will move the order record(s) to the better bib. +  * The "​umzzz"​ records (deletesare pulled into a list through a CCL searchand run through a test delete (Aleph Services manage-33). ​ Lucy will generate a spreadsheet listing all bibs with ERROR reports (mostly due to attached order records), add titles and save it on the Rdrive (Coll-Management)\Acquisitions\MARCIt,​ and send notification ​to eleres. ​Once the ERROR bibs have been removed from the list, the rest of the umzzz bibs can be deleted ​without further review
-  - Bib needs to be kept for tracking payments purposes: Staff will remove the ZZZ SFX ID, add a 910$a with KEEPBIB and keep the record suppressed. +  * E-Resources will review ​bibs with ERROR reports ​which have order records attached. Four possible scenarios with these records: 
-  - SFX deactivation was in error: Staff will remove the ZZZ SFX ID and unsuppress the records (check holdings too). Reactivate in SFX. +    - Bib is being replaced with "​better"​ record: Staff will move the order record(s) to the better bib. 
-  - Former aggregator or vendor title now on order: Staff will remove the ZZZ ID but keep the record suppressed until activation.+    - Bib needs to be kept for tracking payments purposes: Staff will remove the ZZZ SFX ID, add a 910$a with KEEPBIB and keep the record suppressed. 
 +    - SFX deactivation was in error: Staff will remove the ZZZ SFX ID and unsuppress the records (check holdings too). Reactivate in SFX. 
 +    - Former aggregator or vendor title now on order: Staff will remove the ZZZ ID but keep the record suppressed until activation.
-       ​* ​"non-SFX urls" to remove ​the non-SFX url in most cases, ​UNLESS it provides additional access at a host not available as an SFX target. This should be noted in the z subfield, e.g. "​UMass:​ Connect to this title at Woodstock for current issues"​. Note that if the title exists in SFX in ANY target, a local object can be created to eliminate multiple ​URLs in most cases.+       ​* ​Non-SFX urls: Remove ​the non-SFX url UNLESS it provides additional access at a host not available as an SFX target. This should be noted in the z subfield, e.g. "​UMass:​ Connect to this title at Woodstock for current issues"​. Note that if the title exists in SFX in ANY target, a local object can be created to eliminate multiple ​urls, in most cases.
-       * In addition if there is a subscription record attached to a record which will be deleted, we need to remove the subscription record.+       * In additionif there is a subscription record attached to a record which will be deleted, we need to remove the subscription record.
-The processes ​for generating bibliographic records for new e-journals is described in [[EJournals - Adding New Titles (MARCIt)]].+   * After the ERROR bibs have been reviewed, notify Lucy about whether any of these need deleting or have been deleted, and she will run a final count on MARCIt! records in our catalog, and update the eresources master spreadsheet found on W:/​DEPARTMENTAL-FOLDERS/​Acquisitions/​Electronic resources/​Statistics/​eresource-load-stats. 
 +//​NOTE: ​The process ​for generating bibliographic records for new e-journals is described in [[EJournals - Adding New Titles (MARCIt)]].//
marcit_record_loads.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/16 19:33 by jeustis
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